The Battle for Wesnoth.xcodeproj

Building with Xcode

This README describes the way to create the wesnoth release packages for macOS.

Requirements for building Wesnoth

  • Xcode 8.2.1 or higher...
  • Mac OS X 10.11.6 or higher...
  • git
  • scons and gettext (if you want to compile translations)


  • The Battle for Wesnoth: Builds the actual game, depends on wesnothd. If you don't want to build wesnothd, get info on the Wesnoth target, go to the General tab, and remove wesnothd from its dependencies.

  • wesnothd: Builds the multiplayer server. The MP server is needed for hosting a local MP server, not for connecting to the official one.

  • unit_tests: Builds the unit tests. This is mainly useful when trying to fix a failing Travis build.

  • campaignd: Builds the addons server.

  • liblua: Builds the lua library for Wesnoth.


  • Release: Builds for maximum (runtime) speed and compatibility; it builds for 64-bit, with the latest SDK, but targets 10.11. You do not however need 10.11 SDK to build it. This is what's used for official releases.

  • Debug: Builds for maximum compiling speed, and uses the current OS as the SDK. If you just want to compile for testing things yourself, this is the way to go.


To compile translations you need gettext-tools and scons. You can obtain these tools using brew install gettext scons. You also have to force-link Homebrew's gettext tools using brew link --force gettext command. In the Terminal, cd /PATH/TO/PROJECT and run scons translations. This will compile all the translations into a translations directory.


When compiling Wesnoth for an official release, the following steps should be taken. Packaging is separated to the 4 subchapters:

  1. In first chapter we will prepare package for all 3 distribution sources.
  2. In second chapter we will notarize Steam package and we will release it to the SteamStore.
  3. In third chapter we will notarize SourceForge package, we will create .dmg image and we will release it to SourceForge.
  4. In fourth chapter we will release package to the Mac AppStore.

Packaging - Packages preparation

  • Obtain sources from github using git clone -b BRANCH --depth 10 https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth /PATH/TO/PROJECT or use your favourite git program.
  • Checkout to the latest tag using cd /PATH/TO/PROJECT ; git checkout TAG or use your favourite git program.
  • Use Finder to navigate into /PATH/TO/PROJECT/projectfiles/Xcode.
  • Double click on the Fix_Xcode_Dependencies script and wait until it finishes.
  • Compile translations as it is described in Translations section.
  • Now you can open The Battle for Wesnoth.xcodeproj file in Xcode.
  • Update version numbers in Info.plist (if not already done by the release manager).
  • Create dist file using touch /PATH/TO/PROJECT/data/dist.
  • You must increment the build number before creating Mac AppStore package. If you don't know the previous build number, the best way is to proceed with steps for one of the packages using build number 1 and wait until you get an error message that the notarization step failed. The current build number is contained there.

Packaging - SteamStore

  • Find and edit dist file in path /PATH/TO/PROJECT/data/dist. For Steam it must contain Steam.
  • Now you can hit Product > Archive from the menubar.
  • After archivation is done, you can select correct archive in Xcode Organizer, click on Distribute App, select Developer ID and select Upload.
  • Now you must wait. After successful notarization you should get notification via Xcode.
  • Now click on Distribute App again, select Developer ID and select export location.
  • Your final package will be saved in the location you selected.
  • You can now continue to releasing using partner steam tools.

Packaging - SourceForge

  • Find and edit dist file in path /PATH/TO/PROJECT/data/dist. For SourceForge it must contain SourceForge.
  • Now you can hit Product > Archive from the menubar.
  • After archivation is done, you can select correct archive in Xcode Organizer, click on Distribute App, select Developer ID and select Upload.
  • Now you must wait. After successful notarization you should get notification via Xcode.
  • Now click on Distribute App again, select Developer ID and select export location.
  • Your final package will be saved in the location you selected.
  • Now copy dmg template from /PATH/TO/PROJECT/packaging/macOS/Wesnoth_dmg_packaging_template.dmg
  • Convert this template to the R/W image using hdiutil convert /PATH/TO/TEMPLATE.dmg -format UDRW -o /PATH/TO/NEW/RW_IMAGE.dmg and mount it.
  • Copy new wesnoth package using cp -R /PATH/TO/THE/EXPORTED/PACKAGE.app "/Volumes/The Battle for Wesnoth/The Battle for Wesnoth.app".
  • Unmount R/W image and convert it to final ro image using hdiutil convert /PATH/TO/RW_IMAGE.dmg -format ULFO -o /PATH/TO/NEW/IMAGE.dmg command.
  • Rename disk image to match new release version. Example: Wesnoth_1.15.2.dmg
  • Sign newly created ro image using codesign -s "Developer ID Application: Wesnoth, Inc (N5CYW96P9T)" /PATH/TO/NEW/IMAGE.dmg. (You must have Wesnoth's signing certificate.)
  • Verify that you signed .dmg properly using spctl -a -t open --context context:primary-signature -v /PATH/TO/NEW/IMAGE.dmg.
  • Now you have to notarize the whole .dmg image. You must have app specific password for your AppleID prepared.
  • Execute the xcrun altool --notarize-app -f /PATH/TO/NEW/IMAGE.dmg --primary-bundle-id org.wesnoth.Wesnoth -u YOUR_APPLE_ID_EMAIL -p YOUR_APPLE_ID_APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD --asc-provider N5CYW96P9T and wait. After successful execution it should give you RequestUUID.
  • You can check notarization status using xcrun altool --notarization-info REQUEST_UUID -u YOUR_APPLE_ID_EMAIL -p YOUR_APPLE_ID_APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD command. Wait until it returns the Package Approved status message.
  • Create SHA-256 checksum using shasum -a 256 /PATH/TO/NEW/IMAGE.dmg > Wesnoth_x.x.x.dmg.sha256 command.
  • Done! You can release it to SourceForge now.

Packaging - Mac AppStore

  • First you have to enable app sandbox for wesnothd.
  • In Xcode window click on The Battle for Wesnoth project in the left sidebar.
  • Select wesnothd target.
  • Select Signing & Capabilities from the top bar.
  • Click + Capability while in the All tab.
  • Select App Sandbox.
  • And in newly created section check both Incoming and Outgoing connections.
  • Find and edit dist file in path /PATH/TO/PROJECT/data/dist. For Mac AppStore it must contain macOS App Store.
  • Now you can hit Product > Archive from the menubar.
  • After archivation is done, you can select correct archive in Xcode Organizer, click on Distribute App, select App Store Connect and proceed with all steps by clicking Next.
  • After successful uploading you must go to the https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/ and continue with releasing there.