#textdomain wesnoth [tip] text= _ "Use the map editor’s Areas menu to define regions later addressed by event or AI coding." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Design Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "In the map editor, select New Scenario in the File menu to make use of advanced features." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Design Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Scenarios saved from the editor in their default folder can be selected in the Custom Scenarios section of the Multiplayer “Create Game” screen." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Design Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Don’t neglect to earn your leader experience! You need to keep him safe, but if you coddle him too much he may be too weak to survive future battles." source= _ "― Great Mage Delfador, 520YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "In the Actions menu, you can select Show Enemy Moves to highlight all the hexes your adversary can move to (assuming your units stay where they are). Use this to make sure the enemy can’t reach your weak or injured units on his next turn." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Units with the Intelligent trait need fewer experience points to level up. Early in a campaign, try to give killing blows to these units so you can get some high-level troops sooner." source= _ "― King Konrad, 536YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "The encircling tactic is very powerful, particularly against fast opponents. By placing two units on opposite sides of an enemy, their zones of control will restrict it to one hex of movement in any direction. Unfortunately, you must completely surround skirmishers to immobilize them." source= _ "― Memoirs of Gweddry, 627YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "You can access the Recruit and Recall commands by right-clicking on a castle tile. That will let you choose the precise hex you put a unit in. Placing units wisely can sometimes let you reach a village a turn earlier." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "There are some helpful summary screens in the main menu: for instance, the Status Table will let you know how your enemies are doing, and how you are doing in comparison." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Units with the Quick trait get an extra movement point per turn. This can be very important when moving through difficult terrain such as water or caves. It can make the difference between being able to move one hex or two." source= _ "― High Lord Kalenz, 470YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "After you have played a few scenarios, read the Gameplay section in the Help screen carefully. Details become important as scenarios get harder!" source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "It is usually better to start the next scenario in a campaign with lower-level units that are about to level up than with those same units at a higher level." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "On www.wesnoth.org you can find strategy guides, technical support, the history of Wesnoth, and much more." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Community" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Lawful units fight better by day, and chaotic units fight better at night. Neutral units are unaffected by the time of day. The rare liminal units fight best during twilight." source= _ "― Royal Compendium of Battle Terminology: Volume II (reprinted 221YW)" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "An otherwise sound plan can fail if you attack at the wrong time of day." source= _ "― Haldric II, 42YW, Handbook of Tactical Analysis: Volume I" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "If you are playing with Shroud or Fog of War active, you won’t know what you’re facing. In this case, long-range scouting units are worth their cost. Try to choose scouts that can easily move across the surrounding terrain, because units can only see as far as they can move in one turn." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "There are six types of attack: pierce, blade, impact, fire, cold and arcane. Different units have weaknesses against different types of attacks. Right-click on a unit and select Unit Description to see which attacks it is resistant to, and which will affect it the most." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "The terrain occupied by your units is the main factor determining the chance that they will be hit. The defensive rating for the currently selected unit in the currently selected terrain is displayed in the top right corner of the screen." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Poisoned units will lose eight hitpoints every turn until they are one point from dying. They will then remain at death’s door until the poison is removed. Healers can prevent a poisoned unit from deteriorating, but the poison will not be removed unless the unit regenerates, or begins a turn in a village, in an oasis, or next to a unit with the Cures ability." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "You can reuse units from a previous scenario by selecting Recall from the Actions menu. By recalling the same units over and over, you can build up a powerful and experienced army." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Units of level one and higher have a Zone of Control in the six hexes around them. If a unit moves into an enemy’s zone of control, it may not move any further that turn. This means that units can have two empty hexes between them and still create a barrier to the enemy. Beware, though: skirmishers can pass through these gaps." source= _ "― Haldric II, 42YW, Handbook of Tactical Analysis: Volume I" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "The chance to hit a unit usually depends on how well that unit can defend itself in the terrain in which it is standing. However, magical attacks always have a 70% chance to hit, and units with the Marksman ability are guaranteed at least a 60% chance of a hit when they attack on their own turn." source= _ "― Haldric II, 43YW, Handbook of Tactical Analysis: Volume II" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Units stationed in villages will either heal eight hitpoints at the beginning of their turn, or will recover from poisoning." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Don’t move an injured unit if you don’t have to — let it rest. If a unit does not move or attack, it will recover two hitpoints at the beginning of its next turn." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "On maps where Shroud or Fog of War has been enabled, all units’ sightlines are limited by their maximum movement. If you have some valuable but slow units, keep at least one fast unit with them so that you are not caught out by a surprise attack." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Foot units tend to defend better in villages and castles than in other terrain types, while most mounted units do not gain any defensive advantages from villages or castles." source= _ "― Sir Kaylan, 498YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Horse-based units are generally resistant to attacks with bladed or impact weapons, but are vulnerable to attacks with piercing weapons, including bows and spears." source= _ "― Sir Kaylan, 502YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Inflicting the killing blow on an enemy unit is the best way to gain experience. Units killing an enemy will gain eight experience points for every level of the unit they kill, or four experience points for a zero-level opponent." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Elvish units move and fight well in forest. Dwarvish units move and fight well in hills, mountains and caves." source= _ "― High Lord Kalenz, 470YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Patience is often key. Rather than attacking in bad conditions or with few troops, wait for better conditions and then attack." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "If you are attacked from several directions, it may be a good idea to send expendable units in some directions to delay enemy units." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Do not be afraid to retreat and regroup; it is often the key to victory." source= _ "― Meneldur, 123YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "In most campaigns you will receive a gold bonus for finishing early, depending on the number of villages on the map and the number of turns remaining. You will usually earn more gold this way than through capturing villages and waiting for the turns to run out." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Leaders can recruit or recall units from any keep inside a castle, not just the keep they start on. Sometimes your allies may be willing to make room for you on their keep so you can recruit from there, and you can even capture an enemy’s keep and use that." source= _ "― Haldric II, 42YW, Handbook of Tactical Analysis: Volume I" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Skeletons are resistant to piercing, bladed and cold-based attacks but are vulnerable to impact, fire, and arcane attacks." source= _ "― Memoirs of Gweddry, 627YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Units with the Leadership ability help lower-level adjacent units on the same side fight better. You can move these units slowly along your battle lines and give bonuses to large numbers of lower-level troops." source= _ "― Haldric II, 42YW, Handbook of Tactical Analysis: Volume I" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Try to avoid moving next to unoccupied villages. An enemy unit may move into the village and attack you, while enjoying the defense and healing of the village." source= _ "― Great Mage Delfador, 516YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "For any player, controlling villages is often key to winning a scenario. You may use this knowledge to lure your opponents into a trap by leaving some villages unoccupied, but keep in mind that an enemy unit becomes much harder to dislodge from a village! Plan your movements accordingly." source= _ "― Kai Laudiss, 623YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Use lines of troops to screen your injured units while they recover." source= _ "― Princess Li’sar, 515YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "If you move a unit, but don’t attack or discover any additional information, you can undo your move by pressing u." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "You can see how far enemy units can move by moving the mouse cursor over them." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Use healers to support your attacks — they will win you battles without needing to attack anything themselves." source= _ "― The Scroll of Chantal, 516YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "The Slow attack makes enemy units move slower and halves the damage they do on all attacks until they end a turn." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Arcane attacks are very powerful against undead." source= _ "― Great Sage Dacyn, 626YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Units are healed when they advance a level. Used wisely, this can turn a fight." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Charging units are best used against enemies they can kill with a single blow." source= _ "― Sir Kaylan, 498YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Instead of leveling up, high-level units gain an After Maximum Level Advancement (AMLA) bonus, which usually increases the unit’s maximum hitpoints by three and fully heals it. This is much less than the normal benefits of advancing a level, so it is generally wiser to advance your lower-level units instead." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "To advance low-level units quickly, team them with a veteran and use the veteran to damage a joint target heavily enough for the junior partner to get in the killing blow." source= _ "― Queen Li’sar, 528YW" [/tip] [tip] # po: Whiteboard is another name for the Planning Mode text= _ "You cannot undo a move that uncovers hexes hidden by fog or shroud. Turn on the Delay Shroud Updates option when you need to move units while retaining the ability to undo, or use the new Whiteboard planning tool." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "If an enemy benefits more from a rare terrain type than you do, occupying that terrain will deprive them of its benefits." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Few units have good defenses in water; a line of attackers along the edge of a river can inflict heavy casualties. Elves can use the edge of a forest in a similar manner, and dwarves can do the same with mountains." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "The Slow ability is extremely powerful because it has such wide-ranging effects. Enemy undead get half the normal benefit from their Drain ability, the damage bonus from Charge or Backstab is cancelled, and the Berserk ability is weakened. Fast foes struggle to escape; slow enemies are almost immobilized, and your own units suffer less retaliation damage, so it’s quicker to heal them." source= _ "― The Scroll of Chantal, 516YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Try to operate units with a small number of powerful attacks — such as Dark Adepts, Horsemen, Orcish Grunts or Dwarvish Thunderers — in pairs or threes. This gives you another try whenever your first devastating attack misses — as inevitably happens from time to time." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Units with three or more attacks — especially magical attacks — are ideal for finishing off enemies with only a few hitpoints remaining. Be sure to use leadership — or a strong or dextrous unit — whenever the extra point or two of damage makes a one-hit kill possible." source= _ "― High Lord Kalenz, 470YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Think twice before dismissing any unit from your recall list, no matter how little experience it has. Sometimes it’s worth paying a premium to know exactly what traits a new arrival will have." source= _ "― Haldric II, 42YW, Handbook of Tactical Analysis: Volume I" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "When a tough unit is heavily injured, send it to heal in a village several turns’ movement away from the fighting. Then it can recover in peace (at 10 hitpoints per turn) without tying up front-line villages." source= _ "― Lord Hamel of Knalga" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Combining multiple special abilities can be deadly. While it may take some work to combine, for example, Leadership, Illuminates and Charge against a slowed opponent, the results can be impressive." source= _ "― High Lord Kalenz, 470YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "While finishing early gives a gold bonus, and reduces the opportunities for enemies to kill your valuable troops, it also means you lose chances to earn your units extra experience. When deciding whether or not to finish a scenario early, weigh these factors against one another." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "If your forces have weak defenses everywhere on the map, occupy the areas where your enemies can only attack you by sharing the same disadvantages. Avoid places where your defenses are poor and your enemy’s are merely average. Plan for heavy losses, and take firm control of any hex where the land does favor you." source= _ "― Lord Hamel of Knalga" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "The recruitment cost of some units may exceed the usual recall expenditure of 20 gold. In a campaign, always check if recalling a unit of the same type may be cheaper." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "You must accept some losses in battle. It is not uncommon for beginners to lose sight of victory as they attempt to keep every unit alive." source= _ "― Queen Asheviere, 503YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Using lower-level units can be very cost-effective." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Some higher-level units have inimitable abilities such as Leadership, Cures, or Nightstalk. Obtaining those units early can make a big difference in a campaign." source= _ "― Sir Gerrick of Westin, 607YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "The cleansing waters of an oasis will heal the injured. The fiery ichor of the underworld hinders the flightless, while offering illumination in darkness to those that may fly above it." source= _ "― Dominant Gorlack, 3YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "If a unit is positioned next to healers from two allied sides, the unit will be healed on both sides’ turns. This way, a unit can be healed faster than otherwise possible." source= _ "― Lord Tallin of Knalga, 538 YW" [/tip] [tip] text= _ "Holding down shift will make the animations for moving and fighting quicker. The acceleration factor can be set, and turned on by default, in the Preferences menu’s General tab." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] [tip] # po: Translate "Change difficulty" and "Load Game" as in wesnoth-lib textdomain text= _ "Did you know that you can change the difficulty level during a campaign? Select the Change difficulty option at the bottom of the Load Game screen when loading start-of-scenario save files." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] #ifdef __UNUSED__ [tip] text= _ "Feral units, such as Bats and wild animals, will avoid villages. Even if they occupy a village hex, they do not gain any defensive benefits from the village, although they will still be healed." source= _ "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" [/tip] #endif