Nicolas Carlier 321ad7ef5d
Feature: add blocking request with response code (#99)
feat(hook): add blocking request with response code

close #74
2024-07-09 00:19:19 +02:00

69 lines
2.2 KiB

# Webhookd configuration
# HTTP listen address, default is ":8080"
# Example: `localhost:8080` or `:8080` for all interfaces
# Log level (debug, info, warn or error), default is "info"
# Log format (text or json), default is "text"
# Logging modules to activate (http, hook)
# - `http`: HTTP access logs
# - `hook`: Hook execution logs
# Example: `http` or `http,hook`
# Default extension for hook scripts, default is "sh"
# Default hook HTTP response mode (chunked or buffered), default is "chunked"
# Maximum hook execution time in second, default is 10
# Scripts location, default is "scripts"
# Hook execution logs location, default is OS temporary directory
# Number of workers to start, default is 2
# Static file directory to serve on /static path, disabled by default
# Example: `./var/www`
# Path to serve static file directory, default is "/static"
# Notification URI, disabled by default
# Example: `http://requestb.in/v9b229v9` or `mailto:foo@bar.com?smtp=smtp-relay-localnet:25`
# Password file for HTTP basic authentication, default is ".htpasswd"
# Truststore URI, disabled by default
# Enable HTTP signature verification if set.
# Example: `/etc/webhookd/pubkey.pem`
# Activate TLS, default is false
# TLS key file, default is "./server.key"
# TLS certificate file, default is "./server.crt"
# TLS domain name used by ACME, key and cert files are ignored if set
# Example: `hook.example.org`
# GIT repository that contains scripts
# Note: this is only used by the Docker image or by using the Docker entrypoint script
# Example: `git@github.com:ncarlier/webhookd.git`
# GIT SSH private key used to clone the repository
# Note: this is only used by the Docker image or by using the Docker entrypoint script
# Example: `/etc/webhookd/github_deploy_key.pem`