### # Webhookd configuration. ### # Working directory. # Defaults: /tmp APP_WORKING_DIR=/var/opt/webhookd/work # Scripts directory. # Defaults: ./scripts APP_SCRIPTS_DIR=/var/opt/webhookd/scripts # Notifier. # Notify script execution result and logs. # Values: # - "http": Send notification with an HTTP hook (compatible with Mailgun API). # - "smtp": Send notification by mail. # - "": No notification (defaults). APP_NOTIFIER=http # Notifier FROM directive. # Defaults: "webhookd " APP_NOTIFIER_FROM=Mailgun Sandbox # Notifier TO directive. # Defaults: "hostmaster@nunux.org" APP_NOTIFIER_TO=foo@bar.org # HTTP notifier URL. APP_HTTP_NOTIFIER_URL=http://requestb.in/1gd3ond1 #APP_HTTP_NOTIFIER_URL=https://api.mailgun.net/v2/sandboxdexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.mailgun.org/messages # HTTP notifier user:password. APP_HTTP_NOTIFIER_USER=api:key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # SMTP notifier host. # Defaults: localhost:25 APP_SMTP_NOTIFIER_HOST=localhost:25