Add audit log and log rotation test cases (#17465)

1. Add audit log test case
2. Add log rotation test case
3. Add log rotation schedule test case

Signed-off-by: Yang Jiao <>

Signed-off-by: Yang Jiao <>
This commit is contained in:
Yang Jiao 2022-08-26 18:00:12 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent c3e98c8848
commit 0ec167a7c1
No known key found for this signature in database
11 changed files with 238 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
*** Keywords ***
Switch To Log Rotation
Retry Element Click //clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav-group//span[contains(.,'Clean Up')]
Retry Element Click ${log_rotation_page_xpath}
Purge Now
[Arguments] ${keep_records} ${keep_records_unit} ${expected_status}=SUCCESS ${exclude_operations}=@{EMPTY}
Retry Text Input ${keep_records_input} ${keep_records}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${keep_records_unit_select} Retry Element Click ${keep_records_unit_select}//option[contains(.,'${keep_records_unit}')]
${len}= Get Length ${exclude_operations}
Run Keyword If ${len} > 0 Click Exclude Operation @{exclude_operations}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${purge_now_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${latest_purge_job_status_xpath}\[contains(.,'SUCCESS')]
Retry Action Keyword Verify Last completed Time
Click Exclude Operation
[Arguments] @{exclude_operations}
FOR ${element} IN @{exclude_operations}
Retry Element Click //form//div//label[contains(.,'${element}')]
Verify Last completed Time
${latest_purge_job_update_time}= Get Text ${latest_purge_job_update_time_xpath}
${purge_job_last_completed_time}= Get Text ${purge_job_last_completed_time_xpath}
Should Be Equal ${latest_purge_job_update_time} ${purge_job_last_completed_time}
Set Log Rotation Schedule
[Arguments] ${keep_records} ${keep_records_unit} ${type} ${cron}=${null} ${exclude_operations}=@{EMPTY}
Retry Text Input ${keep_records_input} ${keep_records}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${keep_records_unit_select} Retry Element Click ${keep_records_unit_select}//option[contains(.,'${keep_records_unit}')]
Retry Button Click ${log_rotation_schedule_edit_btn}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${log_rotation_schedule_select} Retry Element Click ${log_rotation_schedule_select}//option[contains(.,'${type}')]
Run Keyword If '${type}' == 'Custom' Retry Text Input ${log_rotation_schedule_cron_input} ${cron}
${len}= Get Length ${exclude_operations}
Run Keyword If ${len} > 0 Click Exclude Operation @{exclude_operations}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Button Click ${log_rotation_schedule_save_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Purge schedule has been reset
Get Purge Job Results
${cmd}= Set Variable curl -u ${HARBOR_ADMIN}:${HARBOR_PASSWORD} -s --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "https://${ip}/api/v2.0/system/purgeaudit?sort=-creation_time&page=1&page_size=100"
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
Log ${output}
[Return] ${output}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
*** Variables ***
${log_rotation_page_xpath} //app-clearing-job//nav//a[contains(.,'Log Rotation')]
${keep_records_input} //*[@id='retentionTime']
${keep_records_unit_select} //*[@id='expiration-type']
${latest_purge_job_status_xpath} //app-purge-history//div//clr-dg-row[1]//clr-dg-cell[4]
${latest_purge_job_update_time_xpath} //app-purge-history//div//clr-dg-row[1]//clr-dg-cell[6]
${purge_job_last_completed_time_xpath} //app-set-job//div//span[contains(@class,'mr-3')]
${purge_now_btn} //app-set-job//button[contains(.,'PURGE NOW')]
${log_rotation_schedule_edit_btn} //*[@id='editSchedule']
${log_rotation_schedule_select} //*[@id='selectPolicy']
${log_rotation_schedule_save_btn} //*[@id='config-save']
${log_rotation_schedule_cron_input} //*[@id='targetCron']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
*** Keywords ***
Switch To Logs
Retry Element Click ${logs_xpath}
Refresh Logs
Retry Element Click ${logs_refresh_btn}
Verify Log
[Arguments] ${username} ${resource} ${resource_type} ${operation} ${row_num}=1
Refresh Logs
${real_username}= Get Text //clr-datagrid//clr-dg-row[${row_num}]//clr-dg-cell[1]
${real_resource}= Get Text //clr-datagrid//clr-dg-row[${row_num}]//clr-dg-cell[2]
${real_resource_type}= Get Text //clr-datagrid//clr-dg-row[${row_num}]//clr-dg-cell[3]
${real_operation}= Get Text //clr-datagrid//clr-dg-row[${row_num}]//clr-dg-cell[4]
Should Be Equal ${real_username} ${username}
Should Be Equal ${real_resource} ${resource}
Should Be Equal ${real_resource_type} ${resource_type}
Should Be Equal ${real_operation} ${operation}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
*** Variables ***
${logs_xpath} //clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav//a[contains(.,'Logs')]
${logs_refresh_btn} //hbr-log//span[contains(@class,'refresh-btn')]

View File

@ -61,10 +61,6 @@ Switch To Member
Retry Element Click xpath=${project_member_xpath}
Sleep 1
Switch To Log
Retry Element Click xpath=${log_xpath}
Sleep 1
Switch To Replication
Retry Element Click xpath=${project_replication_xpath}
Sleep 1

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ ${create_project_button_xpath} //clr-main-container//button[contains(., 'New Pr
${project_name_xpath} //*[@id='create_project_name']
${project_public_xpath} //input[@name='public']/..//label
${project_save_css} html harbor-app harbor-shell clr-main-container.main-container div.content-container div.content-area.content-area-override project div.row div.col-lg-12.col-md-12.col-sm-12.col-xs-12 div.row.flex-items-xs-between div.option-left create-project clr-modal div.modal div.modal-dialog div.modal-content div.modal-footer button.btn.btn-primary
${log_xpath} //clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav//a[contains(.,'Logs')]
${projects_xpath} //clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav//a[contains(.,'Projects')]
${project_replication_xpath} //project-detail//a[contains(.,'Replication')]
${project_log_xpath} //project-detail//a[contains(.,'Logs')]

View File

@ -44,9 +44,8 @@ Filter Object
Sleep 3
Filter Project
#Filter project repo user tag.
[Arguments] ${kw}
Retry Element Click ${log_xpath}
Retry Element Click ${logs_xpath}
Retry Element Click ${projects_xpath}
Filter Object ${kw}

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Change Password
Retry Text Input ${new_password_xpath} ${new_pw}
Retry Text Input ${renew_password_xpath} ${new_pw}
Retry Element Click ${change_password_confirm_btn_xpath}
Retry Element Click xpath=${log_xpath}
Retry Element Click xpath=${logs_xpath}
Sleep 1
Update User Comment

View File

@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ Resource Harbor-Pages/OIDC_Auth.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/OIDC_Auth_Elements.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Robot_Account.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Robot_Account_Elements.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Logs.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Logs_Elements.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Log_Rotation.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Log_Rotation_Elements.robot
Resource Harbor-Pages/Verify.robot
Resource Docker-Util.robot
Resource CNAB_Util.robot

View File

@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Test Case - User View Projects
Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d}1
Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d}2
Create An New Project And Go Into Project test${d}3
Switch To Log
Switch To Logs
Wait Until Page Contains test${d}1
Wait Until Page Contains test${d}2
Wait Until Page Contains test${d}3
@ -834,6 +834,7 @@ Test Case - WASM Push And Pull To Harbor
Wait Unitl Command Success wasm-to-oci pull ${ip}/project${d}/wasm-to-oci:v1 --out test.wasm
Wait Unitl Command Success docker logout ${ip}
Retry file should exist test.wasm
Close Browser
Test Case - Carvel Imgpkg Push And Pull To Harbor
[Tags] imgpkg_push_and_pull
@ -853,6 +854,7 @@ Test Case - Carvel Imgpkg Push And Pull To Harbor
Docker Logout ${ip}
Retry File Should Exist ${out_path}/.imgpkg/bundle.yml
Retry File Should Exist ${out_path}/.imgpkg/images.yml
Close Browser
Test Case - Cosign And Cosign Deployment Security Policy
[Tags] cosign
@ -881,4 +883,62 @@ Test Case - Cosign And Cosign Deployment Security Policy
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${artifact_list_refresh_btn} Should Be Signed By Cosign ${tag}
Pull image ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} project${d} ${image}:${tag}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Delete Accessory ${tag} Should be Accessory deleted ${tag}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Delete Accessory ${tag} Should be Accessory deleted ${tag}
Close Browser
Test Case - Audit Log And Purge
[Tags] audit_log_and_purge
Init Chrome Driver
${user}= Set Variable user003
${pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${image}= Set Variable alpine
${tag1}= Set Variable 3.10
${tag2}= Set Variable test
${sha256}= Set Variable sha256:de78803598bc4c940fc4591d412bffe488205d5d953f94751c6308deeaaa7eb8
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} ${user} ${pwd}
# create project
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d}
Switch To Logs
Verify Log ${user} project${d} project create
# create artifact
Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${user} ${pwd} project${d} ${image} ${tag1} ${tag1}
Clean All Local Images
Refresh Logs
Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image}:${tag1} artifact create
Go Into Project project${d}
Go Into Repo ${image}
Go Into Artifact ${tag1}
# create tag
Add A New Tag ${tag2}
# delete tag
Delete A Tag ${tag2}
Switch To Logs
Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image}:${tag2} tag delete
Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image}:${tag2} tag create 2
Docker Login ${ip} ${user} ${pwd}
# pull artifact
Docker Pull ${ip}/project${d}/${image}:${tag1}
Docker Logout ${ip}
Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image}:${sha256} artifact pull
Go Into Project project${d}
Go Into Repo project${d}/${image}
# delete artifact
@{tag_list} Create List ${tag1}
Multi-delete Artifact @{tag_list}
Switch To Logs
Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image}:${sha256} artifact delete
Go Into Project project${d}
# delete repository
Delete Repo project${d} ${image}
Switch To Logs
Verify Log ${user} project${d}/${image} repository delete
# delete project
Delete Project project${d}
Logout Harbor
Switch To Logs
Verify Log ${user} project${d} project delete
Switch To Log Rotation
Purge Now 1 Hours
Close Browser

View File

@ -228,4 +228,31 @@ Test Case - P2P Preheat Schedule Job
Should Be True ${len} > 3 and ${len} < 6
Delete A P2P Preheat Policy ${policy_name}
Delete A Distribution ${dist_name} ${DISTRIBUTION_ENDPOINT}
Close Browser
Test Case - Log Rotation Schedule Job
[Tags] log_rotation_schedule
Init Chrome Driver
Switch To Log Rotation
${exclude_operations} Create List Pull
Set Log Rotation Schedule 2 Days Custom 0 */2 * * * * ${exclude_operations}
Sleep 480
Set Log Rotation Schedule 2 Days None
Sleep 180
${logs}= Get Purge Job Results
${logs}= Replace String ${logs} "{ { count=-1
${logs}= Replace String ${logs} }" } count=-1
${logs}= Evaluate json.loads("""${logs}""") json
${len}= Get Length ${logs}
FOR ${log} IN @{logs}
Log ${log}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["job_name"]} PURGE_AUDIT_LOG
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["job_kind"]} SCHEDULE
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["job_status"]} Success
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["job_parameters"]["audit_retention_hour"]} 48
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["job_parameters"]["dry_run"]} False
Should Not Contain Any ${log["job_parameters"]["include_operations"]} @{exclude_operations} ignore_case=True
Should Be True ${len} > 3 and ${len} < 6
Close Browser