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2023-12-21 10:26:12 +00:00
# build-in lib
import os.path
import os
import re
import uuid
import json
import time
import typing
from unicodedata import category
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
# third party lib
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
import mechanicalsoup
from pathlib import Path
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from lxml import etree
from cloudscraper import create_scraper
# project wide
import config
def get_xpath_single(html_code: str, xpath):
html = etree.fromstring(html_code, etree.HTMLParser())
result1 = str(html.xpath(xpath)).strip(" ['']")
return result1
G_USER_AGENT = r'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.133 Safari/537.36'
def get_html(url, cookies: dict = None, ua: str = None, return_type: str = None, encoding: str = None, json_headers=None):
verify = config.getInstance().cacert_file()
config_proxy = config.getInstance().proxy()
errors = ""
headers = {"User-Agent": ua or G_USER_AGENT} # noqa
if json_headers is not None:
for i in range(config_proxy.retry):
if config_proxy.enable:
proxies = config_proxy.proxies()
result = requests.get(str(url), headers=headers, timeout=config_proxy.timeout, proxies=proxies,
result = requests.get(str(url), headers=headers, timeout=config_proxy.timeout, cookies=cookies)
if return_type == "object":
return result
elif return_type == "content":
return result.content
result.encoding = encoding or result.apparent_encoding
return result.text
except Exception as e:
print("[-]Connect retry {}/{}".format(i + 1, config_proxy.retry))
errors = str(e)
if "getaddrinfo failed" in errors:
print("[-]Connect Failed! Please Check your proxy config")
debug = config.getInstance().debug()
if debug:
print("[-]" + errors)
print("[-]" + errors)
print('[-]Connect Failed! Please check your Proxy or Network!')
raise Exception('Connect Failed')
def post_html(url: str, query: dict, headers: dict = None) -> requests.Response:
config_proxy = config.getInstance().proxy()
errors = ""
headers_ua = {"User-Agent": G_USER_AGENT}
if headers is None:
headers = headers_ua
for i in range(config_proxy.retry):
if config_proxy.enable:
proxies = config_proxy.proxies()
result =, data=query, proxies=proxies, headers=headers, timeout=config_proxy.timeout)
result =, data=query, headers=headers, timeout=config_proxy.timeout)
return result
except Exception as e:
print("[-]Connect retry {}/{}".format(i + 1, config_proxy.retry))
errors = str(e)
print("[-]Connect Failed! Please check your Proxy or Network!")
print("[-]" + errors)
G_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 # seconds
class TimeoutHTTPAdapter(HTTPAdapter):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.timeout = G_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
if "timeout" in kwargs:
self.timeout = kwargs["timeout"]
del kwargs["timeout"]
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def send(self, request, **kwargs):
timeout = kwargs.get("timeout")
if timeout is None:
kwargs["timeout"] = self.timeout
return super().send(request, **kwargs)
# with keep-alive feature
def get_html_session(url: str = None, cookies: dict = None, ua: str = None, return_type: str = None,
encoding: str = None):
config_proxy = config.getInstance().proxy()
session = requests.Session()
if isinstance(cookies, dict) and len(cookies):
requests.utils.add_dict_to_cookiejar(session.cookies, cookies)
retries = Retry(total=config_proxy.retry, connect=config_proxy.retry, backoff_factor=1,
status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504])
session.mount("https://", TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, timeout=config_proxy.timeout))
session.mount("http://", TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, timeout=config_proxy.timeout))
if config_proxy.enable:
session.verify = config.getInstance().cacert_file()
session.proxies = config_proxy.proxies()
headers = {"User-Agent": ua or G_USER_AGENT}
session.headers = headers
if isinstance(url, str) and len(url):
result = session.get(str(url))
else: # 空url参数直接返回可重用session对象无需设置return_type
return session
if not result.ok:
return None
if return_type == "object":
return result
elif return_type == "content":
return result.content
elif return_type == "session":
return result, session
result.encoding = encoding or "utf-8"
return result.text
except requests.exceptions.ProxyError:
print("[-]get_html_session() Proxy error! Please check your Proxy")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
except Exception as e:
print(f"[-]get_html_session() failed. {e}")
return None
def get_html_by_browser(url: str = None, cookies: dict = None, ua: str = None, return_type: str = None,
encoding: str = None, use_scraper: bool = False):
config_proxy = config.getInstance().proxy()
s = create_scraper(browser={'custom': ua or G_USER_AGENT, }) if use_scraper else requests.Session()
if isinstance(cookies, dict) and len(cookies):
requests.utils.add_dict_to_cookiejar(s.cookies, cookies)
retries = Retry(total=config_proxy.retry, connect=config_proxy.retry, backoff_factor=1,
status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504])
s.mount("https://", TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, timeout=config_proxy.timeout))
s.mount("http://", TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, timeout=config_proxy.timeout))
if config_proxy.enable:
s.verify = config.getInstance().cacert_file()
s.proxies = config_proxy.proxies()
browser = mechanicalsoup.StatefulBrowser(user_agent=ua or G_USER_AGENT, session=s)
if isinstance(url, str) and len(url):
result =
return browser
if not result.ok:
return None
if return_type == "object":
return result
elif return_type == "content":
return result.content
elif return_type == "browser":
return result, browser
result.encoding = encoding or "utf-8"
return result.text
except requests.exceptions.ProxyError:
print("[-]get_html_by_browser() Proxy error! Please check your Proxy")
except Exception as e:
print(f'[-]get_html_by_browser() Failed! {e}')
return None
def get_html_by_form(url, form_select: str = None, fields: dict = None, cookies: dict = None, ua: str = None,
return_type: str = None, encoding: str = None):
config_proxy = config.getInstance().proxy()
s = requests.Session()
if isinstance(cookies, dict) and len(cookies):
requests.utils.add_dict_to_cookiejar(s.cookies, cookies)
retries = Retry(total=config_proxy.retry, connect=config_proxy.retry, backoff_factor=1,
status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504])
s.mount("https://", TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, timeout=config_proxy.timeout))
s.mount("http://", TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, timeout=config_proxy.timeout))
if config_proxy.enable:
s.verify = config.getInstance().cacert_file()
s.proxies = config_proxy.proxies()
browser = mechanicalsoup.StatefulBrowser(user_agent=ua or G_USER_AGENT, session=s)
result =
if not result.ok:
return None
form = browser.select_form() if form_select is None else browser.select_form(form_select)
if isinstance(fields, dict):
for k, v in fields.items():
browser[k] = v
response = browser.submit_selected()
if return_type == "object":
return response
elif return_type == "content":
return response.content
elif return_type == "browser":
return response, browser
result.encoding = encoding or "utf-8"
return response.text
except requests.exceptions.ProxyError:
print("[-]get_html_by_form() Proxy error! Please check your Proxy")
except Exception as e:
print(f'[-]get_html_by_form() Failed! {e}')
return None
def get_html_by_scraper(url: str = None, cookies: dict = None, ua: str = None, return_type: str = None,
encoding: str = None):
config_proxy = config.getInstance().proxy()
session = create_scraper(browser={'custom': ua or G_USER_AGENT, })
if isinstance(cookies, dict) and len(cookies):
requests.utils.add_dict_to_cookiejar(session.cookies, cookies)
retries = Retry(total=config_proxy.retry, connect=config_proxy.retry, backoff_factor=1,
status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504])
session.mount("https://", TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, timeout=config_proxy.timeout))
session.mount("http://", TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, timeout=config_proxy.timeout))
if config_proxy.enable:
session.verify = config.getInstance().cacert_file()
session.proxies = config_proxy.proxies()
if isinstance(url, str) and len(url):
result = session.get(str(url))
else: # 空url参数直接返回可重用scraper对象无需设置return_type
return session
if not result.ok:
return None
if return_type == "object":
return result
elif return_type == "content":
return result.content
elif return_type == "scraper":
return result, session
result.encoding = encoding or "utf-8"
return result.text
except requests.exceptions.ProxyError:
print("[-]get_html_by_scraper() Proxy error! Please check your Proxy")
except Exception as e:
print(f"[-]get_html_by_scraper() failed. {e}")
return None
# def get_javlib_cookie() -> [dict, str]:
# import cloudscraper
# switch, proxy, timeout, retry_count, proxytype = config.getInstance().proxy()
# proxies = get_proxy(proxy, proxytype)
# raw_cookie = {}
# user_agent = ""
# # Get __cfduid/cf_clearance and user-agent
# for i in range(retry_count):
# try:
# if switch == 1 or switch == '1':
# raw_cookie, user_agent = cloudscraper.get_cookie_string(
# "",
# proxies=proxies
# )
# else:
# raw_cookie, user_agent = cloudscraper.get_cookie_string(
# ""
# )
# except requests.exceptions.ProxyError:
# print("[-] ProxyError, retry {}/{}".format(i + 1, retry_count))
# except cloudscraper.exceptions.CloudflareIUAMError:
# print("[-] IUAMError, retry {}/{}".format(i + 1, retry_count))
# return raw_cookie, user_agent
def translate(
src: str,
target_language: str = config.getInstance().get_target_language(),
engine: str = config.getInstance().get_translate_engine(),
app_id: str = "",
key: str = "",
delay: int = 0,
) -> str:
translate japanese kana to simplified chinese
:raises ValueError: Non-existent translation engine
trans_result = ""
# 中文句子如果包含&等符号会被谷歌翻译截断损失内容,而且中文翻译到中文也没有意义,故而忽略,只翻译带有日语假名的
if (is_japanese(src) == False) and ("zh_" in target_language):
return src
if engine == "google-free":
gsite = config.getInstance().get_translate_service_site()
if not re.match('^translate\.google\.(com|com\.\w{2}|\w{2})$', gsite):
gsite = ''
url = (
result = get_html(url=url, return_type="object")
if not result.ok:
print('[-]Google-free translate web API calling failed.')
return ''
translate_list = [i["trans"] for i in result.json()["sentences"]]
trans_result = trans_result.join(translate_list)
elif engine == "azure":
url = "" + target_language
headers = {
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': key,
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region': "global",
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'X-ClientTraceId': str(uuid.uuid4())
body = json.dumps([{'text': src}])
result = post_html(url=url, query=body, headers=headers)
translate_list = [i["text"] for i in result.json()[0]["translations"]]
trans_result = trans_result.join(translate_list)
elif engine == "deeplx":
url = config.getInstance().get_translate_service_site()
res ="{url}/translate", json={
'text': src,
'source_lang': 'auto',
'target_lang': target_language,
if res.text.strip():
trans_result = res.json().get('data')
raise ValueError("Non-existent translation engine")
return trans_result
def load_cookies(cookie_json_filename: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[dict], typing.Optional[str]]:
:filename: cookie文件名获取cookie方式从网站登录后通过浏览器插件(CookieBro或EdittThisCookie)或者直接在地址栏网站链接信息处都可以复制或者导出cookie内容以JSON方式保存
# 示例: FC2-755670 url
# json 文件格式
# 文件名: 站点名.json示例 javdb9.json
# 内容(文件编码:UTF-8)
filename = os.path.basename(cookie_json_filename)
if not len(filename):
return None, None
path_search_order = (
Path.cwd() / filename,
Path.home() / filename,
Path.home() / f".mdc/{filename}",
Path.home() / f".local/share/mdc/{filename}"
cookies_filename = None
for p in path_search_order:
if p.is_file():
cookies_filename = str(p.resolve())
if not cookies_filename:
return None, None
return json.loads(Path(cookies_filename).read_text(encoding='utf-8')), cookies_filename
return None, None
def file_modification_days(filename: str) -> int:
mfile = Path(filename)
if not mfile.is_file():
return 9999
mtime = int(mfile.stat().st_mtime)
now = int(time.time())
days = int((now - mtime) / (24 * 60 * 60))
if days < 0:
return 9999
return days
def file_not_exist_or_empty(filepath) -> bool:
return not os.path.isfile(filepath) or os.path.getsize(filepath) == 0
def is_japanese(raw: str) -> bool:
return bool('[\u3040-\u309F\u30A0-\u30FF\uFF66-\uFF9F]', raw, re.UNICODE))
def download_file_with_filename(url: str, filename: str, path: str) -> None:
download file save to give path with given name from given url
conf = config.getInstance()
config_proxy = conf.proxy()
for i in range(config_proxy.retry):
if config_proxy.enable:
if not os.path.exists(path):
print(f"[-]Fatal error! Can not make folder '{path}'")
r = get_html(url=url, return_type='content')
if r == '':
print('[-]Movie Download Data not found!')
with open(os.path.join(path, filename), "wb") as code:
if not os.path.exists(path):
print(f"[-]Fatal error! Can not make folder '{path}'")
r = get_html(url=url, return_type='content')
if r == '':
print('[-]Movie Download Data not found!')
with open(os.path.join(path, filename), "wb") as code:
except requests.exceptions.ProxyError:
i += 1
print('[-]Download : Connect retry ' + str(i) + '/' + str(config_proxy.retry))
except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout:
i += 1
print('[-]Download : Connect retry ' + str(i) + '/' + str(config_proxy.retry))
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
i += 1
print('[-]Download : Connect retry ' + str(i) + '/' + str(config_proxy.retry))
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
i += 1
print('[-]Download : Connect retry ' + str(i) + '/' + str(config_proxy.retry))
except IOError:
raise ValueError(f"[-]Create Directory '{path}' failed!")
print('[-]Connect Failed! Please check your Proxy or Network!')
raise ValueError('[-]Connect Failed! Please check your Proxy or Network!')
def download_one_file(args) -> str:
download file save to given path from given url
wrapped for map function
(url, save_path, json_headers) = args
if json_headers is not None:
filebytes = get_html(url, return_type='content', json_headers=json_headers['headers'])
filebytes = get_html(url, return_type='content')
if isinstance(filebytes, bytes) and len(filebytes):
with'wb') as fpbyte:
if len(filebytes) == fpbyte.write(filebytes):
return str(save_path)
def parallel_download_files(dn_list: typing.Iterable[typing.Sequence], parallel: int = 0, json_headers=None):
download files in parallel 多线程下载文件
用法示例: 2线程同时下载两个不同文件并保存到不同路径路径目录可未创建但需要具备对目标目录和文件的写权限
('https://site1/img/p1.jpg', 'C:/temp/img/p1.jpg'),
('https://site2/cover/n1.xml', 'C:/tmp/cover/n1.xml')
:dn_list: 可以是 tuple或者list: ((url1, save_fullpath1),(url2, save_fullpath2),) fullpath可以是str或Path
:parallel: 并行下载的线程池线程数为0则由函数自己决定
mp_args = []
for url, fullpath in dn_list:
if url and isinstance(url, str) and url.startswith('http') \
and fullpath and isinstance(fullpath, (str, Path)) and len(str(fullpath)):
fullpath = Path(fullpath)
fullpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
mp_args.append((url, fullpath, json_headers))
if not len(mp_args):
return []
if not isinstance(parallel, int) or parallel not in range(1, 200):
parallel = min(5, len(mp_args))
with ThreadPoolExecutor(parallel) as pool:
results = list(, mp_args))
return results
def delete_all_elements_in_list(string: str, lists: typing.Iterable[str]):
delete same string in given list
new_lists = []
for i in lists:
if i != string:
return new_lists
def delete_all_elements_in_str(string_delete: str, string: str):
delete same string in given list
for i in string:
if i == string_delete:
string = string.replace(i, "")
return string
# print format空格填充对齐内容包含中文时的空格计算
def cn_space(v: str, n: int) -> int:
return n - [category(c) for c in v].count('Lo')
Usage: python ./
Purpose: benchmark get_html_session
benchmark get_html_by_scraper
benchmark get_html_by_browser
benchmark get_html
TODO: may be this should move to unittest directory
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys, timeit
from http.client import HTTPConnection
def benchmark(times: int, url):
print(f"HTTP GET Benchmark times:{times} url:{url}")
tm = timeit.timeit(f"_ = session1.get('{url}')",
"from __main__ import get_html_session;session1=get_html_session()",
print(f' *{tm:>10.5f}s get_html_session() Keep-Alive enable')
tm = timeit.timeit(f"_ = scraper1.get('{url}')",
"from __main__ import get_html_by_scraper;scraper1=get_html_by_scraper()",
print(f' *{tm:>10.5f}s get_html_by_scraper() Keep-Alive enable')
tm = timeit.timeit(f"_ ='{url}')",
"from __main__ import get_html_by_browser;browser1=get_html_by_browser()",
print(f' *{tm:>10.5f}s get_html_by_browser() Keep-Alive enable')
tm = timeit.timeit(f"_ = get_html('{url}')",
"from __main__ import get_html",
print(f' *{tm:>10.5f}s get_html()')
# target_url = ""
target_url = ""
HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
html_session = get_html_session()
_ = html_session.get(target_url)
HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 0
# times
t = 100
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
target_url = sys.argv[1]
benchmark(t, target_url)