2024-01-28 00:03:06 +01:00

305 lines
8.8 KiB

<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<!ENTITY name "NerdTools">
<!ENTITY author "UnRAIDES">
<!ENTITY version "2024.01.27">
<!ENTITY md5 "2362cf701cb2fb6b32ea9ab78932f8ae">
<!ENTITY launch "Settings/&name;">
<!ENTITY github "UnRAIDES/unRAID-&name;">
<!ENTITY pluginURL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/&github;/main/plugin/&name;.plg">
<!ENTITY plgPATH "/boot/config/plugins/&name;">
<!ENTITY plgNAME "&name;-&version;-x86_64-1">
<!ENTITY emhttp "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;">
<PLUGIN name="&name;" author="&author;" version="&version;" launch="&launch;" pluginURL="&pluginURL;" min="6.11">
- Fixed: rollback lftp-4.9.2-3
- Added: fio-3.36-1
- Added: sshpass-1.06-1
- Added: nvme-cli-2.6 (Thank you to @SimonF)
- Added: libffi-3.3-3 (First of all you must remove libffi-3.4.4 at your own risk with removepkg libffi-3.4.4)
- Updated: rclone-1.65.1-1
- Updated: fish-3.7.0-1
- Updated: libmediainfo-23.11-1
- Updated: mediainfo-23.11-1
- Updated: restic-0.16.3-1
- Updated: unrar-6.2.12-1
- Added: nmap-7.92-1 (Issues #44)
- Added: libnl-1.1.4-5 as dependency of nmap
- Added: stunnel-5.62-1 (Issues #93)
- Added: tcpdump-4.99.1-1 (Issues #92)
- Added: socat- (Issues #68)
- Added: par2cmdline-0.8.1-1 (Issues #29)
- Added: bwm-ng-0.6.3-2 (Issues #29)
- Added: autossh-1.4g-1 (Issues #40)
- Added: netcat-0.7.1-1 (Issues #89)
- Added: audit-3.0.7-2 (Issues #88)
- Added: stress-1.0.4-1 (Issues #90)
- Fixed: A error when uninstall NerdTools plugin
- Fixed: rollback utf8proc-2.7.0-1 by error with glibc-2.8 version request
- Fixed: rollback irssi-1.4.4-1 by error with glibc-2.8 version request
- Fixed: rollback gpgme-1.16.0-3 by error with glibc-2.8 version request
- Fixed: rollback wget2-2.0.0-2 by error with glibc-2.8 version request
- Fixed: rollback libsodium-1.0.18-3 by error with glibc-2.8 version request
- Fixed: rollback vim-9.0.2127-1 by error with glibc-2.8 version request
- Updated: irssi-1.4.5-2
- Updated: vim-9.1.0-1
- Updated: libsodium-1.0.19-1
- Updated: utf8proc-2.9.0-1
- Updated: gpgme-1.23.2-1
- Updated: lftp-4.9.2-4
- Updated: libassuan-2.5.6-1
- Updated: liburing-2.5-1
- Updated: python3-3.9.18-1
- Updated: ruby-3.3.0-1
- Updated: borgbackup-1.2.7-1
- Updated: exiftool-12.70-1
- Updated: fdupes-1.6.1-1
- Updated: fish-3.6.4-1
- Updated: libjodycode-3.1-1
- Updated: jdupes-1.27.3-1
- Updated: wget2-2.1.0-1
- Updated: screen-4.9.1-1
- Updated: rclone-1.65.0-1
- Updated: restic-0.16.2-1
- Updated: powershell-7.4.0-1
- Updated: neofetch-20211210-1
- Updated: rar-6.24-1
- Updated: fzf-0.45.0-1
- Rebuild: mktorrent-1.1_de7d011-1
- Rebuild: ncdu-1.17-1
- Rebuild: nload-0.7.4-1
- Rebuild: p7zip-17.04-1
- Added: bluez-5.71-2 (Issues #97)
- Added: aria2-1.37.0-1 (Issues #99)
- Removed: libffi-3.4.4 package added by UnRAID
- Removed: lzlib-1.13 package added by UnRAID
- Added: plocate-1.1.19 (Issues #85)
- Added: liburing-2.4 as dependency of plocate
- Added: gnupg2-2.4.3
- Added: npth-1.6 as dependency of gnupg2
- Fixed: rollback python3-3.9.16 for fix SSL problem
- Updated: vim-9.0.1672
- Updated: python3-3.9.17
- Updated: unrar-6.1.7 rename for work with rar2fs
- Added: rar2fs-1.29.6
- Enhanced: Rename update button for clearer text
- Enhanced: remove old packages when upgrading
- Enhanced: PHP8 optimization
- Enhanced: autoinstall of the dependencies
- Added: rclone-1.62.2
- Added: libjodycode-2.0.1 as dependency of jdupes
- Added: fish-3.6.1 (Issues #59)
- Updated: exiftool-12.60
- Updated: jdupes-1.23.0
- Updated: libmediainfo-23.04
- Updated: libzen-0.4.41
- Updated: mediainfo-23.04
- Updated: powershell-7.3.4
- Updated: gpgme-1.20.0
- Updated: irssi-1.4.4
- Updated: ruby-3.2.2
- Updated: vim-9.0.1493
- Added: Nodejs-20.1.0
- Fixed: rollback python3-3.9.16 to release 1 that fix SSL problem (Issues #74)
- Enhanced: Add python-pip and python-setuptools as dependency of python3
- Enhanced: add dependencies column
- Enhanced: rearrange multiple columns
- Enhanced: delete DOWNLOADED column
- Enhanced: improvements in the treatment of dependencies
- Added: python-packaging-21.3 as dependency of borgbackup
- Updated: borgbackup-1.2.4
- Updated: python3-3.9.16-3
- Added: msgpack-python-1.0.5 as dependency of borgbackup
- Enhanced: improvements in package installation
- Enhanced: change category of the plugin (PR #50)
- Added: ruby-3.2.1 (PR #36)
- Added: btop-1.2.13 (PR #51)
- Added: restic-0.15.1 (PR #52)
- Updated: vim-9.0.1418
- Fixed: dependency improvements
- Fixed: fixed PHP deprecated
- Initial 6.12 compatibility
- Fixed: added some missing package descriptions
- Updated: ddrescue-1.27
- Updated: gpgme-1.18.0
- Updated: irssi-1.4.3
- Updated: powertop-2.15
- Updated: python-pip-22.2.2
- Updated: python-setuptools-65.1.1
- Updated: python2-2.7.18-5
- Updated: python3-3.9.16
- Updated: sshfs-3.7.3
- Updated: tcl-8.6.13
- Updated: tmux-3.3a
- Updated: utf8proc-2.8.0
- Updated: vim-9.0.1362
- Updated: wget2-2.0.1
- Updated: zsh-5.9
- Added: libffi-3.4.4 as dependency of iotop (Issues #37)
- Fixed: Removepkg Fixed packages
- Added: wget2-2.0.0
- Added: gpgme-1.16.0 as dependency of wget2
- Added: lzlib-1.13 as dependency of wget2
- Added: libassuan-2.5.5 as dependency of wget2
- Added: bc-1.07
- Added: tcl-8.6.12
- Added: tcllib-1.21
- Added: powershell-7.2.7
- Added: ipmitool-1.8.18
- Added: mlocate-0.26
- Added: pigz-2.7
- Added: sshfs-3.7.2
- Changed: axel-2.17.11
- Added: ddrescue-1.26
- Added: exiftool-12.47
- Added: iftop-1.0pre4
- Added: iotop-0.6
- Added: lftp-4.9.2
- Added: llfuse-1.4.2 as dependency of borgbackup
- Added: powertop-2.13
- Changed: python-setuptools-57.5.0
- Added: rsnapshot-1.4.4
- Fixed: Reinstall packages
- Fixed: The plugins column is changed by the current version
- Fixed: The functionality to compare old versions is updated
- Fixed: Remove packages on uninstalling plugin
- Fixed: Dependency for mediainfo package
- Added: vim-9.0.0623 package
- Added: libsodium-1.0.18 as dependency of vim
- Changed: jdupes-1.21
- Fixed: Bug with json file
- Fixed: Minor change for developer tools
- Fixed: Clean old code
- Enhanced: Delete old packages
- Changed: unrar6.12
- Changed: uar-6.12
- Changed: p7zip-17.04
- Changed: mediainfo-22.06
- Changed: libzen-0.4.39
- Changed: libmediainfo-22.06 as dependency of mediainfo
- Initial release
- Plugin based on NerdPack of dmacias72
- Cleaned code and deleted packages unused that are include on UnRAID 6.11
- New system for install packages
<!-- The 'pre-install' script. -->
<FILE Run="/usr/bin/php">
$version = parse_ini_file("/etc/unraid-version");
if ( version_compare($version['version'],"6.11", "<") )
echo "**********************************************************************\n";
echo "\n";
echo "NerdTools Requires Unraid version 6.11.0 or greater to run\n";
echo "\n";
echo "**********************************************************************\n";
<FILE Run="/bin/bash">
# Remove old 'source' files
rm -f $(ls /boot/config/plugins/&name;/&name;*.txz 2>/dev/null &#124; grep -v '&version;')
The 'install' script.
<FILE Run="/bin/bash" Method="install">
echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo " &name; has been installed."
echo ""
echo " Copyright 2024, &author;"
echo " Based on NerdPack"
echo " Version: &version;"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
<FILE Name="/boot/config/plugins/&name;/&name;-&version;-x86_64-1.txz" Run="upgradepkg --install-new --reinstall">
The 'remove' script.
<FILE Run="/bin/bash" Method="remove">
removepkg &plgPATH;/&plgNAME;.txz
rm -rf &emhttp;
rm -f &plgPATH;/&plgNAME;.txz
removepkg /boot/extra/*_nerdtools.txz 1>/dev/null
rm -f /boot/extra/*_nerdtools.txz 1>/dev/null
rm -f /boot/config/plugins/NerdTools 1>/dev/null
echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo " &name; has been removed."
echo " Copyright 2024, &author;"
echo " Based on NerdPack"
echo " Version: &version;"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""