2024-08-15 07:04:43 -04:00

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Executable File
Raw Blame History

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; My PSAs / banners
Happy New Year=كل عام وأنتم بخير
Happy Holidays from Andrew, Tracey, and family=أعياد سعيدة من أندرو، وتريسي والعائلة
Please Enjoy Responsibly=استمتعوا بمسؤولية رجاءً
Popup Blocked CA requires popups to be enabled under certain circumstances You must white list your server within your browser to allow popups=تتطلب نوافذ تطبيقات المجتمع المنبثقة للإتاحة تحت ظروف معينة،عليكالسماح بالقوائم المنبثقة خلال تسجيلك للخادم
Docker Service Not Enabled - Only Plugins Available To Be Installed Or Managed=خدمة حاويات دوكر غير متوفرة - تتوفر الملحقات الإضافية فقط للتثبيت أو الإدارة
Docker system failed to start - Only Plugins Available To Be Installed Or Managed=
Array not started - Only Plugins Available To Be Installed Or Managed=
Community Applications works best when cookies are enabled in your browser Certain features may not be available=تعمل تطبيقات المجتمع بشكل أفضل عندما تكون ملفات تعريف الارتباط مُمَكّنة في متصفحك، قد لا تتوفر بعض الميزات
Backup Server Active Some icons may not appear, and plugin installations may be affected=الخادم الاحتياطي نشط، قد لا تظهر بعض الرموز ، وقد تتأثر تثبيتات بعض المكونات الإضافية
Debugging enabled This significantly increases the memory used by your browser=
Browser translation detected Display issues may result=
Action Centre Enabled=
Deprecated OS version No further updates to Community Applications will be issued for this OS version=
; Sorting Options
Sort By=
Name Ascending=
Name Descending=
Date Added=
Number Of Apps=
; Initial disclaimer translations
Disclaimer=إخلاء مسؤولية
All applications listed here are 3rd party additions to Unraid Neither the authors of Community Applications nor Limetech make any warranty as to the suitability of any application listed here=جميع التطبيقات المدرجة هنا هي إضافات من طرف ثالث إلى Unraid، لا يقدم أصحاب تطبيقات المجتمع وشركة Limetech أي ضمان فيما يتعلق بملاءمة أي تطبيق مدرج هنا
Every attempt is made to ensure that only safe and compatible applications are present=نحاول قدر الإمكان التأكد من أمان وتوافق كل تطبيق متاح
Application Policy=نهج التطبيقات
I Understand=أقر بالشروط
Installations of apps disabled You must accept the warning to be able to install applications=تم تعطيل عمليات تثبيت التطبيقات، يجب قبول التحذير لتتمكن من تثبيت التطبيقات
Click here=انقر هنا
%s Results Per Page=
Results Per Page: %s=
; Plugin Disclaimer
Community Applications contains both docker containers and plugin applications Plugins are designed for OS enhancements, and run with full privileges on your system and are clearly identified within CA=تحتوي تطبيقات المجتمع على حاويات دوكر وتطبيقات ملحقات إضافية مصممة لتحسين نظام التشغيل، يتم تشغيلها بامتيازات كاملة على نظامك وتحديدها بوضوح داخل تطبيقات المجتمع
Plugin Note=ملاحطة الملحق الإضافي
; Multi Install
Install Plugin Applications=ثبت **تطبيقات الملحقات الإضافية**
Select all on page=
Install Application=
Install Applications=
Update Application=
Update Applications=
Are you sure you want to update %s applications=
Are you sure you want to install %s docker and %s plugin applications=Are you sure you want to install %1$s docker and %2$s plugin application(s)
; Searches
Click Here To Get More Results From DockerHub=اضغط هنا للحصول على نتائج من DockerHub
No Matching Applications Found=لا توجد نتائج للتطبيقات
; Repository Related
%s removed as favourite repository=
%s set as favourite repository=
Click to remove favourite repository=
Click to set %s as favourite repository=
Search for apps in repository=
No description present=
Go to the forum page=
Go to the webpage=
Go to reddit=
Go to facebook=
Go to discord=
Go to forum profile=
Show Profile=
Read more=
Total Applications=
Total Known Downloads=
Total Docker Applications=
Total Plugin Applications=
Total Languages=
Average Downloads Per App=
Web Page=
Forum Profile=
Search Apps=
; Install Plugin title of openbox
Install Plugin=تثبيت الملحق الإضافي
Update Plugin=
Requirements not met=
The requirements for this upgrade have not been met on your system=
The sidebar for the app click info will list the details=The sidebar for the app (click info) will list the details
; Remove App from previously installed
Delete Template=حذف القالب
Yes, delete it=نعم، احذفه
; Uninstall popup
Uninstall Application=إزالة التطبيق
Yes uninstall it=نعم، احذفه
; Remove Private Application
Remove Private Application=إزالة التطبيق الخاص
Yes, remove it=نعم، احذفه
; App Pinning
Click to pin this application=انقر لتعليق التطبيق
Click to unpin this application=اضغط لإلغاء تعليق التطبيق
Pin App=
Unpin App=
; Branch installations
Choose A Branch To Install=اختر فرع للتثبيت
; Multiple application installs
; no apps selected
Install Selected Applications=تثبيت التطبيقات المختارة
Yes, install it=نعم، ثبتها
; Multi-install popup
Yes, install them=نعم، ثبتهم
Cookies not enabled Plugins must be separately installed from docker applications=ملفات تعريف الارتباط  غير ممكنة، يجب تثبيت الملحقات الإضافية بشكل منفصل عن تطبيقات دوكر
Docker applications will be installed utilizing the most recently saved template with no user input on your part=سيتم تثبيت تطبيقات دوكر باستخدام أحدث قالب محفوظ دون تدخل المستخدم من جهتك
Updating Support Links=تحديث روابط الدعم
Downloading docker icons=
Finished Installing If the DONE button did not appear, then you will need to click the red X in the top right corner=انتهى التثبيت، إذا لم يظهر زر **تم**، عليك النقر على **X** الأحمر في أعلى النافذة
; error messages
No data was returned It is probable that another browser session has rebooted your server Reloading this browser tab will probably fix this error=لا توجد معلومات للعرض، على الأغلب، طلب متصفح آخر لإعادة تشغيل الخادم، يمكن حل المشكلة بتحديث صفحة المتصفح على الأغلب
An error occurred Could not find any %s Apps=حدث خطأ لم نستطع إيجاد %s أي من التطبيقات
Download of appfeed failed=فشل تنزيل صفحة التطبيقات
; the %s here refers to a function being called
Something really went wrong here=حدث خطأ ما
Post the ENTIRE contents of this message in the Community Applications Support Thread=انشر محتويات هذه الرسالة بالكامل في منتدى الدعم تطبيقات المجتمع
Unknown error happened Please post a screenshot in the support thread of the Statistics screen=حدث خطأ غير معروف، أرسل صورة إحصائيات الخطأ في منتدى الدعم
Something really wrong happened Reloading the Apps tab will probably fix the problem=حدث خطأ ما، تحديث صفحة التطبيقات قد يصلح المشكلة
This plugin has a duplicated name from another plugin %s This will impact your ability to install both plugins simultaneously=يحتوي هذا الملحق الإضافي على اسم مكرر من ملحق إضافي آخر **%s** سيؤثر هذا على قدرتك على تثبيت كلا الملحقين الإضافيين في وقت واحد
You have been logged out=
Fatal Flash Drive Error=
This usually means your flash drive is corrupted or has dropped offline The rest of the Unraid GUI will also be affected Post a new thread in the Unraid forums if this error continues=
Fatal Docker Image Error=
Your docker image or folder is either read-only or completely full Issues will result because of this You should create a new post in the Unraid forums and include your diagnostics=
This template is set up to use a custom network You may have to adjust the network or IP address etc to match your system=
This template is set up to run as Privileged This is a possible security risk and usually does not need to be enabled Note that some applications require privileged in order to operate correctly=
One or more ports used by this application are already in use by another service or app running on your server You will need to adjust the host ports accordingly on the template=
Not Enough Memory=
Community Applications and Unraid OS have a minimum required installed memory of 4G CA cannot run without those mimimums being met=
Run Anyways=
Memory Requirements not met Problems may result=
Installation already in progress=
Another plugin installation or update is already in progress and this one cannot start Wait until the current installation or update is completed and try again=
%s is incompatible with your OS version Please update the OS to proceed=
%s is incompatible with your OS version Either uninstall %s or update the OS=
Browser failed to communicate with Unraid Server=
For unknown reasons, your browser was unable to communicate with Community Applications running on your server=
Attempt to Fix Via Reload Page=
; CA Sections Keep the length reasonable
Installed Apps=التطبيقات المثبتة
Previous Apps=التطبيقات السابقة
Pinned Apps=التطبيقات المعلقة
Favourite Repo=
Action Centre=
Recently Added=
Random Apps=تطبيقات عشوائية
Top New Installs=أفضل أحدث  التثبيتات
Top Trending Apps=
Spotlight Apps=
All Apps=جميع التطبيقات
Change Log=سجل التغييرات
; Credits
Additional Contributions=مشاركات إضافية
GUI Layout Design=تصميم واجهة GUI
Application Feed=موجز التطبيقات
Additional Testing=تجارب إضافية
Additional Libraries=مكتبات إضافية
Copyright=حقوق الطبع
; Statistics page
unknown=غير معروف
Last Change To Application Feed=آخر تعديل في موجز التطبيقات
Docker Applications=
Plugin Applications=
Official Containers=
Private Docker Applications=
Invalid Templates=
Template Errors=أخطاء القوالب
Blacklisted Apps=
Incompatible Applications=
Deprecated Applications=
Moderation Entries=
Primary Server=الخادم الرئيسي
Backup Server=الخادم الاحتياطي
Installs not allowed from this page=
; Statistics Popup
No invalid templates found=لا يوجد قوالب غير صالحة
These templates are invalid and the application they are referring to is unknown=هذه القوالب غير صالحة والتطبيق المشار إليه غير معروف
No templates were automatically fixed=لم يتم إصلاح أي قالب بشكل أتوماتيكي
All of these errors found have been fixed automatically=تم إصلاح جميع هذه الأخطاء بشكل أتوماتيكي
Note that many of these errors can be avoided by following the directions=يمكنك تجنب أغلب هذه الأخطاء باتباع التعليمات
The following plugins have duplicated filenames and are not able to be installed simultaneously=هذه الإضافات ذات أسماء متكررة ولا يمكن تثبيتها بشكل متزامن
The following docker applications refer to the same docker repository but may have subtle changes in the template to warrant this=تطبيقات دوكر هذه تشير لنفس مستودع دوكر ولكن تحمل تغييرات في القالب لضمان هذا الأمر
If any of these entries are incorrect then contact the moderators of CA to discuss=حال كانت أي من هذه التغييرات خاطئة، الرجاء التواصل مع مشرفي تطبيقات المجتمع
Global Repository Comments=تعليقات المستودع العمومي
Applied to all applications=مطبق على كل التطبيقات
Individual Application Moderation=الإشراف الفردي على التطبيق
; Misc
Community Applications Changelog=سجل تغييرات تطبيقات المجتمع
Each month we highlight some of the amazing work from our community=
Check out these newly added applications from our awesome community=
Check out these up and coming apps=
These apps have the highest percentage of new installs=
An assortment of randomly chosen apps=
Featured Applications=
; Categories try not to be excessively long This is displayed on the left of CA screen
Backup=نسخ احتياطي
Crypto Currency=
Downloaders=أدوات التنزيل
Game Servers=خوادم الألعاب
Home Automation=أنظمة تحكم منزلية تلقائية
Media Applications=تطبيقات الوسائط
Media Servers=خوادم الوسائط
Network Services=خدمات الشبكة
Tools Utilities=أدوات/ أدوات مساعدة
Utilities=أدوات مساعدة
Private Apps=تطبيقات خاصة
Uncategorized=غير مصنف
; Categories displayed within a popup or on the card. Where an entry exists after the "=" it is not translated, but rather how it should look
GameServers=خواد الألعاب
HomeAutomation=أنظمة تحكم منزلية تلقائية
MediaApp=تطبيق وسائط
MediaAppBooks=تطبيق وسائط كتب
MediaAppMusic=تطبيق وسائط موسيقى
MediaAppPhotos=تطبيق وسائط صور
MediaAppVideo=تطبيق وسائط فيديو
MediaAppOther=تطبيق وسائط أخرى
MediaServer=سيرفر وسائط متعددة
MediaServerBooks=خادم وسائط كتب
MediaServerMusic=خادم وسائط موسيقى
MediaServerPhotos=خادم وسائط صور
MediaServerVideo=خادم وسائط فيديو
MediaServerOther=خادم وسائط أخرى
NetworkDNS=شبكة DNS
NetworkFTP=شبكة FTP
NetworkProxy=شبكة وكيل
NetworkVOIP=شبكة VOIP
NetworkVPN=شبكة VPN
NetworkWeb=شبكة ويب
NetworkOther=شبكة أخرى
ToolsSystem=أدوات النظام
ToolsThemes=أدوات السمات
ToolsUtilities=أدوات أدوات مساعدة
OtherUncategorized=أخرى غير مصنفة
and %s more=و أخرى %s
; App Popup Related
This application template has been blacklisted=قالب التطبيق هذا محظور
This application template has been deprecated=تم إهمال قالب التطبيق هذا
This application has additional requirements=
Additional Requirements=
Donate To Author=تبرع للمؤلف
Donate To Maintainer=تبرع للمصلح
Application Template=قالب التطبيق
DockerHub Stars=نجوم DockerHub
Added to CA=أضف إلى تطبيقات المجتمع
Date Updated=تاريخ التحديث
Current Version=الإصدار الحالي
Min OS=
Max OS=نظام التشغيل الأقصى
Total Downloads=إجمالي التنزيلات
Ranked #%s=قيم **#%s**
; as in Trending up or down arrow
Trending %s=الاتجاه %s
; as in As of some date
As of %s=(As of %s)
Play Video=
Play Video %s=
This application is not compatible with your version of Unraid=هذا التطبيق غير متوافق مع إصدار نظام Unraid خاصتك
Another browser tab or device has updated the displayed templates Some actions are not available=قام صفحة متصفح أو جهاز آخر بتحديث بعض القوالب المعروضة، بعض الإجراءات غير متاحة
Reinstall=إعادة التثبيت
Reinstall From Previous Apps=
Read Me First=
Install second instance=
Install Using The Templates Default Tag=استخدم علامة القالب الافتراضي للتثبيت
Moderator Comments=تعليقات المشرف
Note not all authors keep up to date on change logs=**تنبيه** لا يقوم جميع الكؤلفون بتحديث سجل التغييرات
Note not all maintainers keep up to date on change logs=**تنبيه** لايقوم جميع المصلحون بتحديث سجل التغييرات
Last Update=
Note All statistics are only gathered every 30 days=
;the following if using a space you MUST use nbsp but keep it down to one word if at all possible
Currently Installed Version=الإصدار المثبت الحالي
Install The Update=تثبيت التحديث
; as in you have the latest version already installed
Latest Version=أحدث إصدار
Multi Language Support=دعم لغات متعددة
Support Forum=
; as in more than 100000
More than %s=اكثر من %s
Remove from Previous Apps=
See All Apps=
Application Type=
; Graphs
Trend Per Month=الاتجاه حسب الشهر
Downloads Per Month=التنزيل حسب الشهر
; Multi install script
Installing docker applications %s=تثبيت تطبيقات دوكر %s
Starting %s=البدء %s
%s failed to start You should install it by itself to fix the errors=%s لإصلاح الأخطاء فشل البدء، يجب تثبيته بنفسك
Setting installed applications to autostart=إعدادات التطبيقات المثبتة للبدء التلقائي
Docker Application Installation finished=انتهاء تثبيت تطبيق دوكر
; Application Cards
This application is a driver plugin=This application is a driver (plugin)
This is a language pack=
This application is a docker container=
This application is a plugin=
This is a spotlight application=
This is your favourite repository=
This application is from your favourite repository=
This application is pinned for later viewing=
Private Application=
Remove Application From List=إزالة التطبيق من القائمة
Check off to select multiple reinstalls=تحقق من إعادة التثبيت المتعددة
Go to the plugin settings=إذهب إلى إعدادات الملحق الإضافي
Click to reinstall the application using default values=انقر لإعادة تثبيت التطبيق باستخدام القيم الافتراضية
Click to edit the application values=انقر لتحرير قيم التطبيق
Click to reinstall=انقر لإعادة التثبيت
Click to install=انقر للتثبيت
Click to go to the WebUI=انقر للذهاب إلى WebUI
This application template has been deprecated=تم إهمال قالب التطبيق هذا
This application template has been blacklisted=قالب التطبيق هذا محظور
Click info to see the notes regarding this application=
This application has additional requirements=
This is an official container=
Digitally Signed=
This container is digitally signed=
Docker Hub=
NOTE You must visit the dockerHub page to gather the information required to install correctly=
Show CA templates=
Template Exists=
Template already exists in Apps=
; eg: LinuxServer Repository
%s Repository=
; eg: Squid's Repository
%s's Repository=
Why we picked it=
Application Spotlight %s=
Unraid Staff=
; Page Navigation
Displaying %s - %s of %s=عرض %1$s - %2$s (من %3$s)
Updating Content=تحديث المحتوى
Switch to this language=تحول إلى هذه اللغة
Country Code=رمز الدولة
Install Language Pack=تثبيت حزمة اللغة
Remove Language Pack=حذف حزمة اللغة
Update Language Pack=تحديث حزمة اللغة
Installed Version=الإصدار المثبت
A note about translations=
Click here to view the language changelog=
View Missing Translations=
; Update Checks
Check For Updates=
Check for updates already running=
Checking for docker container updates=
Checking for plugin updates=
Checking for language updates=
Checking %s=
; dockerHub conversions
Determine configuration=
Would you like CA to attempt to determine any applicable paths, ports, and variables for the template This will entail performing a test installation of the container It will be automatically deleted after processing The container will not be started=Would you like CA to attempt to determine any applicable paths, ports, and variables for the template? This will entail performing a test installation of the container. It will be automatically deleted after processing. The container will not be started.
An error occurred - Could not determine configuration=
; WebGui
Click Install to download and install the Community Applications plugin=Click **Install** to download and install the **Community Applications** plugin
; Note: February 10, 2024 - 178 missing translations
Access Mode=وضع الوصول
Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device=أضف مسار، منفذ، متغير، تسمية، أو جهاز
Add Configuration=أضف تكوينات
App to Host=تطبيق إلى المضيف
apply update=تطبيق التحديث
Are you sure=هل أنت متأكد
Array must be Started to view Docker containers=يجب **بدء** المصفوفة لإظهار حاويات دوكر
Autostart=بدء تلقائي
Backup=نسخة احتياطية
Check for Updates=تأكد من التحديثات
Config Type=نوع التكوين
Configuration not found=لا يوجد تكوينات
Connection Type=نوع الاتصال
Console shell command=أوامر وحدة التحكم
Container ID=معرف الحاوية
Container Path=مسار الحاوية
Container Port=منفذ الحاوية
Container Size=حجم الحاوية
CPU Memory load=تحميل وحدة المعالجة المركزية والذاكرة
CPU Pinning=تثبيت وحدة المعالجة المركزية
Default Value=قيمة افتراضية
Docker Hub URL=رابط DockerHub
Docker Service failed to start=فشل تفعيل خدامات دوكر
Downloaders=أدوات التنزيل
Edit Configuration=تعديل التكوينات
Exited=تم الخروج
Extra Parameters=معلمات إضافية
Fixed IP address=عنوان IP ثابت
force update=فرض التحديث
Game Servers=خوادم الألعاب
Hide Buttons=إخفاء الأزرار
Hide docker allocations=إخفاء تخصيصات دوكر
Hide more settings=إخفاء المزيد من الإعدادات
Home Automation=أنظمة تحكم منزلية تلقائية
Host Path=مسار المضيف
Host Port=منفذ المضيف
Icon URL=رابط أيقونة
Image ID=رابط الصورة
MediaApp=تطبيق وسائط
MediaServer=خادم وسائط
Missing parameters=معلمات مفقودة
Network Type=نوع الشبكة
No Docker containers installed=ما من حاويات دوكر مثبتة
orphan image=صورة وحيدة
Overview=‏‏نظرة عامة
Pause All=إيقاف الكل
Port Mappings=تعيينات المنافذ
Post Arguments=وسيطات
Project Page=صفحة المشروع
Pulling image=سحب صورة
Read Only - Shared=للقراءة فقط - مشترك
Read Only - Slave=للقراءة فقط - تابع
Read Only=للقراءة فقط
ReadWrite - Shared=قراءة/كتابة - مشترك
ReadWrite - Slave=قراءة/كتابة - تابع
rebuild ready=إعادة البناء جاهزة
rebuilding=إعادة البناء
Remove template=إزالة قالب
Removing container=إزالة حاوية
Removing orphan image=إزالة صورة وحيدة
Resume All=استئناف الكل
Select a template=تحديد قالب
Select categories=تحديد فئة
Show docker allocations=إظهار تخصيصات دوكر
Show more settings=إظهار المزيد من الإعدادات
Start All=بدء الكل
starting up containers=بدء الحاويات
Stop All=وقف الكل
Stopping container=إيقاف حاوية
Successfully removed container=تم إزالة الحاوية بنجاح
Successfully removed orphan image=تم إزالة الصورة الوحيدة بنجاح
Successfully stopped container=تم إيقاف الحاوية بنجاح
Support Thread=مؤشر ترابط الدعم
Template URL=رابط القالب
The command failed=فشل الأمر
The command finished successfully=نجاح الأمر النهائي
TOTAL DATA PULLED=**إجمالي البيانات المسحوبة**
Unknown action=أمر غير معروف
Update All=تحديث الكل
update ready=التحديث جاهز
Volume Mappings=تعيينات وحدة تخزين
Was this container created using this plugin=هل تم إنشاء الحاوية باستخدام هذا المكون الإضافي
Writable=قابل للكتابة
; Note: April 28, 2023 - 10 missing translations
Additional Requirements=
Crypto Currency=
Docker Containers=
Lock sortable items=
None Listed=
Read Me First=
Reset sorting=
Total size=
Unlock sortable items=
%s day ago=قبل %s يوم
%s days ago=قبل %s أيام
%s hour ago=قبل %s ساعة
%s hours ago=قبل %s ساعات
%s minute ago=قبل %s دقيقة
%s minutes ago=قبل %s دقائق
%s month ago=قبل %s شهر
%s months ago=قبل %s شهور
%s second ago=قبل %s ثانية
%s seconds ago=قبل %s ثواني
%s week ago=قبل %s أسبوع
%s weeks ago=قبل %s أسابيع
Actual results=نتائج فعلية
Add Container=أضف حاوية
Add VM=أضف جهاز افتراضي
Advanced View=عرض متقدم
AFP Security Settings=إعدادات الأمان لبروتوكول AFP
Anonymize diagnostics may make troubleshooting more difficult=التشخيص الخفي قد يجعل استكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها أكثر صعوبة
Anonymous Mode=
Array Clearing=
Array Copying=
Array must be Stopped to change=يجب أن تكون المصفوفة **متوقفة** للتغيير
Array Started=تم تشغيل المصفوفة
Array Starting=تشغيل المصفوفة
Array Stopped=تم إيقاف المصفوفة
Array Stopping=إيقاف المصفوفة
Average speed=متوسط السرعة
Azure=أزرق سماوي
Back To Top=عودة إلى الأعلى
Basic View=العرض الأساسي
BIOS=نظام الإدخال/الإخراج الأساسي
Blacklisted USB Flash GUID=
bond down=
Browser cookie support required for Unraid OS webgui=
Browser error=خطأ في المتفصح
btrfs=نظام الملفات المتسلسلة شجرياً
Bug Description=وصف الخطأ
Bug Report=تقرير الخطأ
By default UEFI and Legacy boot mode are both enabled when GRUB is used to boot the machine=
Calculated free space value=
Case-sensitive names=أسماء حساسة لحالة الأحرف
Checking Wan IPs=
Clearing=جارٍ المسح
Click for context menu=انقر لقائمة السياق
close all notifications=إغلاق جميع الإشعارات
Command execution=
Configuration not found=
Confirm Password=
Contact Email Address=عنوان البريد الإلكتروني لجهة الاتصال
Contact Support=الاتصال بالدعم
containing your key file URL=تحتوي على رابط ملفك المفتاح
CPU=وحدة المعالجة المركزية
Create Unraidnet Account=Create Account
Dashboard=لوحة المعلومات
Data copied=
Days_array=Sunday:الأحد Monday:الاثنين Tuesday:الثلاثاء Wednesday:الأربعاء Thursday:الخميس Friday:الجمعة Saturday:السبت Sun:الأحد Mon:الاثنين Tue:الثلاثاء Wed:الأربعاء Thu:الخميس Fri:الجمعة Sat:السبت
Device contents emulated, in standby mode spun-down=تمت مضاهاة محتويات الجهاز، في وضع الاستعداد (مثبط)
Device contents emulated=تمت مضاهاة محتويات الجهاز
Device is disabled, contents emulated=الجهاز معطل، تمت مضاهاة المحتويات
Device is in standby mode spun-down=الجهاز في وضع الاستعداد (مثبط)
Device is missing disabled, contents emulated=الجهاز مفقود (معطل)، تمت مضاهاة المحتويات
Device not present=الجهاز غير موجود
DNS issue, unable to resolve mothershipunraidnet=DNS issue, unable to resolve
Do you want to update to the new version=هل تريد التحديث إلى الإصدار الجديد
Duration=المدة الزمنية
Emulated=تمت مضاهاته
emulated=تمت مضاهاته
Encrypted and unlocked=مشفر وغير مؤمن
Error code=رقم الخطأ
Expected results=النتائج المتوقعة
File too large=الملف كبير جدًا
Flash GUID=GUID الذاكرة المحمولة
Flash Product=منتج الذاكرة المحمولة
Flash Vendor=بائع الذاكرة المحمولة
Flash=ذاكرة محمولة
flash=ذاكرة محمولة
Force lower=القوة الأقل
Formatting devices=تنسيق الأجهزة
Go to My Servers Dashboard=
Go to Registration page=اذهب إلى صفحة التسجيل
GPT 4KiB-aligned=جدول التقسيم ذو المعرفات الفريدة الشامل (محاذاة 4K)
GRUB configuration=
Guests have no access=**لا يمتلك **الزوار صلاحيات الوصول
Guests have read-only access=يمتلك الزوار صلاحيات** القراءة فقط**
Heat alarm=إنذار الحرارة
Hide Password=
How to reproduce=كيفية إعادة الإنتاج
HVM=آلية الجهاز الافتراضي
Index of=فهرس
Install Key=مفتاح التثبيت
interface down=الواجهة غير متصلة
Invalid Username or Password=
IOMMU=وحدة إدارة ذاكرة الإدخال والإخراج
is available=متوفر
KB=كيلو بايت
Keep server details anonymous=
Last Modified=آخر تعديل
less than a minute remaining=متبقي أقل من دقيقة
less than a minute=أقل من دقيقة
Locked missing encryption key=مؤمن: مفتاح التشفير مفقود
Locked unknown error=مؤمن: خطأ غير معروف
Locked wrong encryption key=مؤمن: مفتاح تشفير خاطئ
Login=تسجيل الدخول
Logout=تسجيل الخروج
max installable capacity=أقصى سعة قابلة للتثبيت
Max password length is 128 characters=
Maximum file upload size is 512K=الحجم الأقصى لتحميل الملف هو 512 كيلوبايت
MB=ميجا بايت
MBR 1MiB-aligned=MBR: 1MiB-aligned
MBR 4KiB-aligned=سجل الإقلاع الرئيسي: (محاذاة 4K)
MBR unaligned=سجل الإقلاع الرئيسي: غير محاذ
Months_array=January:يناير February:فبراير March:مارس April:أبريل May:مايو June:يونيو July:يوليو August:أغسطس September:سبتمبر October:أكتوبر November:نوفمبر December:ديسمبر Jan:يناير Feb:فبراير Mar:مارس Apr:أبريل May:مايو Jun:يونيو Jul:يوليو Aug:أغسطس Sep:سبتمبر Oct:أكتوبر Nov:نوفمبر Dec:ديسمبر
Motherboard=اللوحة الأم
NA=لا يوجد
New device, in standby mode spun-down=جهاز جديد، في وضع الاستعداد مثبط
New device=جهاز جديد
NFS Security Settings=إعدادات أمان لنظام ملفات الشبكة
No Access=ممنوع الدخول
No device=لا يوجد جهاز
no device=لا يوجد جهاز
No errors reported=لم يتم الإبلاغ عن أخطاء
No information available=لا توجد معلومات متاحة
No listing Too many files=بلا قائمة، عدد كبير جدًا من الملفات
No reply from mail server=لا يوجد رد من خادم البريد
None=لا يوجد
none=لا يوجد
Normal operation, device is active=التشغيل العادي، الجهاز نشط
Not Available=غير متاح
not available=غير متاح
not connected=غير متصل
Not encrypted=غير مشفر
not encrypted=غير مشفر
Numbers_array=أرقام المصفوفة thirty:ثلاثون twenty-nine:تسعة-وعشرون twenty-eight:ثمانية-وعشرون twenty-seven:سبعة-وعشرون twenty-six:ستة-وعشرون twenty-five:خمسة-وعشرون twenty-four:أربعة-وعشرون twenty-three:ثلاثة-و-عشرون twenty-two:اثنان-و-عشرون twenty-one:واحد-وعشرون twenty:عشرون nineteen:تسعة-عشر eighteen:ثامنة-عشر seventeen:سبعة-عشر sixteen:ستة-عشر fifteen:خمسة-عشر fourteen:أربعة-عشرة thirteen:ثلاثة-عشر twelve:اثنا-عشر eleven:أحد-عشر ten:عشرة nine:تسعة eight:ثمانية seven:سبعة six:ستة five:خمسة four:أربعة three:ثلاثة two:اثنان one:واحد zero:صفر
off-line=غير متصل
Online Manual=دليل على الإنترنت
Online manual=دليل على الإنترنت
Other Comment=تعليق آخر
Other information=معلومات أخرى
Parity device is disabled=تم تعطيل جهاز التماثل
Parity device is missing=جهاز التماثل مفقود
Parity is invalid, in standby mode spun-down=التماثل غير صالح، في وضع الاستعداد مثبط
Parity is invalid=التماثل غير صالح
Parity is valid=التماثل صالح
Parity-Sync Data-Rebuild=مزامنة التماثل/إعادة بناء البيانات
Password confirmation does not match=
Password recovery=
PB=بيتا بايت
Please access this server via the My Servers Dashboard=
Please also ensure you have cookies enabled=
Please enable it=
Please select one file only=يرجى تحديد ملف واحد فقط
Please set a password for the root user account=
Please summarize your suggestion here=يرجى تلخيص اقتراحك هنا
Please try a different browser=
Please try again later=الرجاء معاودة المحاولة في وقت لاحق
Please use a high quality name brand device at least 1GB in size min 4GB recommended=Please use a high quality name brand device at least 1GB in size (min 4GB recommended)
Please wait=الرجاء الانتظار
Plugins=الملحقات الإضافية
prefix_IEC=Ki Mi Gi Ti Pi Ei Zi Yi
prefix_SI=K M G T P E Z Y
Press ANY KEY to close this window=
Product Suggestion=اقتراح المنتج
Pulling image=
Purchase Key=
RAM=ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي
Read settings from=قراءة الإعدادات من
Read-Check=فحص القراءة
Read-only=للقراءة فقط
Reboot Now=إعادة التشغيل الآن
Reboot=إعادة التشغيل
reiserfs=ريسير أف أس
Release Notes=ملاحظات الإصدار
Removing container=
Removing orphan image=
Rename=إعادة تسمية
Restart=إعادة التشغيل
root requires a password=
RPM=دورة في الدقيقة
Running=قيد التشغيل
running=قيد التشغيل
safe mode=الوضع الآمن
Security Settings=إعدادات الأمان
Self-Test=الاختبار الذاتي
Set Password=
Share name=اسم المشاركة
Shares List=قائمة المشاركات
Show Password=
Shutdown=إيقاف التشغيل
Sign In before your Unraidnet SSL certificate expires=Sign In before your SSL certificate expires
SMB Security Settings=إعدادات أمان SMB
sn=الرقم التسلسلي
Sorry, an error occurred=عذرًا، حدث خطأ
Sorry, this feature is not supported by MSIEEdge=Sorry, this feature is not supported by MSIE/Edge
Stale configuration=
Standby=وضع الاستعداد
standby=وضع الاستعداد
Stopping container=
Submission of this bug report will automatically send your system diagnostics to Lime Technology=سيؤدي إرسال تقرير الخطأ هذا إلى إرسال تشخيصات نظامك تلقائيًا إلى Lime Technology
Submission of this troubleshooting request will automatically send your system diagnostics to Lime Technology=
Successfully logged out=
Successfully removed container=
Successfully removed orphan image=
Successfully stopped container=
System Information=معلومات النظام
System is going down=النظام قيد إيقاف تشغيل
System is offline=النظام غير متصل
System is powered off=تم إيقاف تشغيل النظام
System is rebooting=يقوم النظام بإعادة التشغيل
System Log=سجل النظام
System notifications are=إخطارات النظام هي
System running in=يعمل النظام في
TB=تيرا بايت
Temperature=درجة الحرارة
Template Repositories=مستودعات القالب
Terminal=الوحدة الطرفية
Test result=نتيجة الاختبار
Thank you for choosing Unraid OS=Thank you for choosing Unraid OS!
Thank You=شكرًا لك
The command failed revert to rsync=
The command failed=
The command finished successfully=
The error is=الخطأ هو
The Unraid OS webgui requires JavaScript=
There is a physical problem accessing your USB Flash boot device=
This will start your free 30 day Trial=
Time remaining=
to change notification settings=لتغيير إعدادات الإشعار
to downgrade Unraid OS=الرجوع إلى إصدار أقدم من نظام تشغيل اونرايد
to upgrade Unraid OS=لترقية نظام التشغيل اونرايد
Too many files=ملفات كثيرة جدًا
Too many invalid login attempts=
Transfer Rate=
Type your question or comment to Lime Technology here=اكتب سؤالك أو تعليقك لشركةLime Technology هنا
Unable to generate system diagnostics=تعذر إنشاء تشخيصات النظام
Unable to set password=
Unassigned=غير معين
unassigned=غير معين
Unknown=غير معروف
unknown=غير معروف
Unraid OS=نظام تشغيل Unraid
Unraidnet re-authentication re-authentication required
Unsupported Feature=
Update Container=تحديث الحاوية
Update Now=حدّث الآن
Update VM=تحديث الجهاز الافتراضي
Upgrade Key=
Upload error=خطأ في التحميل
Uptime=وقت التشغيل
User Access=صلاحيات المستخدم
Username not changeable=
View Release Notes=عرض ملاحظات الإصدار
VPN=شبكة خاصة افتراضية
Was this container created using this plugin=
Write settings to=كتابة الإعدادات إلى
Yes hidden=نعم مخفي
Yes Time Machine=نعم آلة الزمن
Yes, I want to do this=نعم، أريد القيام بذلك
YesTime Machine hidden=نعم آلة الزمن مخفية
YesTime Machine=نعم آلة الزمن
You must reboot for changes to take effect=يجب إعادة التشغيل لتصبح التغييرات نافذة المفعول
Your browser does not support HTML5 file uploads=متصفحك لا يدعم تحميل ملف HTML5
Your browser has JavaScript disabled=
; Dynamix.system.button plugin
Array busy=المصفوفة مشغولة
Parity operation or mover is running=عملية التماثل أو الناقل قيد التشغيل
preparing for reboot=التحضير لإعادة التشغيل
preparing for shutdown=التحضير لإيقاف التشغيل
Sleep=وضع السكون
Start Array=بدء المصفوفة
starting the array=جاري بدء المصفوفة
Stop Array=إيقاف المصفوفة
stopping the array=جاري إيقاف المصفوفة
System in sleep mode=النظام في وضع السكون
This will put the system to sleep=هذا سيضع النظام في وضع السكون
This will reboot the system=سيؤدي هذا لإعادة تشغيل النظام
This will shutdown the system=سيؤدي هذا لإيقاف تشغيل النظام
This will start the array=سيؤدي هذا لبدء المصفوفة
This will stop the array=سيؤدي هذا لإيقاف المصفوفة
; Dynamix File Manager - 2023-04-11
%s year ago=
%s years ago=
Calculate Occupied Space=
change owner=
Change Owner=
change permission=
Change Permission=
Copy Device=
Copy File=
Copy Folder=
Copy Share=
copy to=
Create Folder=
Current file name=
Current folder name=
Delete Device=
Delete File=
Delete Folder=
Delete Share=
Device name=
Download File=
Enter a valid target=
File is removed=
File Manager=
File name=
file type=
Folder name=
in %s folder and %s file=
in %s folder and %s files=
in %s folders and %s file=
in %s folders and %s files=
Invalid path=
Invalid source=
Invalid target=
Job running=
Last modified=
Move Device=
Move File=
Move Folder=
Move Share=
move to=
New file name=
New folder name=
New owner=
New permission=
No jobs scheduled=
No results found=
Not allowed to mix disk and user shares=
Objects to change=
Objects to copy=
Objects to delete=
Objects to move=
Overwrite existing file=
Overwrite existing files=
Page will be reloaded=
Parent Directory=
Rename File=
Rename Folder=
rename to=
Scheduled Jobs=
Search pattern=
Search string=
Share name=اسم المشاركة
Source device=
Source file=
Source folder=
Source share=
Target device=
Target file=
Target folder=
Target share=
This changes the owner of the source recursively=
This changes the permission of the source recursively=
This copies all the selected sources=
This copies the device and all its content to another device=
This copies the folder and all its content to another folder=
This copies the selected file=
This copies the share and all its content to another share=
This creates a folder at the current level=
This deletes all selected sources=
This deletes the device and all its content=
This deletes the folder and all its content=
This deletes the selected file=
This deletes the share and all its content=
This moves all the selected sources=
This moves the device and all its content to another device=
This moves the folder and all its content to another folder=
This moves the selected file=
This moves the share and all its content to another share=
This renames the folder to the new name=
This renames the selected file=
This renames the selected source=
Toggle TimeAge display=Toggle Time/Age display
Total occupied space=
Upload Error=
Use sparse option=
; UNRAID.NET / My Servers / Unraid Connect
%s is signed in to your Unraidnet account=%s is signed in to your account
%s Key Created=
%s Key Extended=
%s Key Install Error=
%s Key Recovered=
%s Key Replaced=
%s was not signed in to your Unraidnet account=%s was not signed in to your account
%s was not signed out of your Unraidnet account=%s was not signed out of your account
%s was signed out of your Unraidnet account=%s was signed out of your account
8 or more characters=
a digest of recent blog posts, community videos, popular forum threads, product announcements, and more=
A Trial key provides all the functionality of a Pro Registration key=A *Trial* key provides all the functionality of a Pro Registration key.
A USB Flash device may also be blacklisted if we discover the serial number is not unique this is common with USB card readers=A USB Flash device may also be blacklisted if we discover the serial number is not unique this is common with USB card readers.
Access unavailable=
Acknowledge Replacement Conditions=
After resetting your password come back to the Registration Wizard pop-up window to Sign In and complete your servers registration=After resetting your password come back to the Registration Wizard pop-up window to Sign In and complete your server's registration
After your Trial has reached expiration your server still functions normally until the next time you Stop the array or reboot your server=
All you need is an active internet connection, an Unraidnet account, and the Connect plugin=All you need is an active internet connection, an account, and the Connect plugin
Already have an account=
Alternately you may purchase a license key for this USB flash device=
Alternately, you may request a Trial extension=Alternately, you may request a Trial extension.
And not just for one server but all the servers in your Unraid fleet=
At that point you may either purchase a license key or request a Trial extension=At that point you may either purchase a license key or request a _Trial_ extension.
Auto closing in %s=
Auto redirecting in %s=
Automated flash backups will be disabled until you sign in again=
Automatically turn on UPnP and open a random WAN port on your router at the click of a button and close off access in seconds=Automatically turn on UPnP and open a random WAN port on your router at the click of a button and close off access in seconds.
Back in a flash ⚡️=
Back to %s=
Back to Registration Home=
Back to Sign In=
Be sure to let the install complete before you close the window=
Best of all all SSL certificates are verified by Lets Encrypt so no browser security warnings=Best of all all SSL certificates are verified by Let's Encrypt so no browser security warnings
Browser will self destruct in %s=
bye bye 👋=
Cannot access your USB Flash boot device=
Cannot validate Unraid Trial key=
Checkout the Connect docs=
Click a button and your flash is automatically backed up to Unraidnet enabling easy recovery in the event of a device failure=Click a button and your flash is automatically backed up to enabling easy recovery in the event of a device failure
Click to copy LAN IP %s=
Close %s=
Close Connect details and continue to webGUI=
Close Details=
Close dropdown=
Close Launchpad and continue to webGUI=
Closing this pop-up window while actions are being preformed may lead to unintended errors=
Communication with %s has timed out=
Confirm closure then continue to webGUI=
Confirm Connect plugin removal=
Confirm Password=
Connect Error=
Connect plugin install failed=
Connect your Unraidnet account to get started=Connect your account to get started
Connected to Mothership=
Continue to Unraid=
Continue Trial=
Continue using Connect=
Copied key url=
Copy Key URL=
Create My Account=
Current server=
Customizable Dashboard Tiles=
Deep Linking=
Didnt get code=Didn't get code?
Display Name or Email Address=
Display Name=
Displaying last known server data=
DNS issue, unable to resolve wanip4unraidnet=DNS issue, unable to resolve
Do not have an account=
Download any registration key linked to your account=
Download latest backup from Connect Dashboard before signing out=
Download latest backup from Go to Connect before signing out=
Download unraid-api Logs=
Dynamic Remote Access=
Email Address=
Enhance your experience with Connect=
Expand your servers capabilities=
Extend Trial=
Extending Trial=
Failed to connect to Unraid API=
Fix Error=
For best results, use one of these urls=
Forgot Password=
Forgot what Unraidnet account you used=Forgot what account you used
Form not valid=
Formatting devices=تنسيق الأجهزة
Get an overview of your servers state, storage space, apps and VMs status, and more=Get an overview of your server's state, storage space, apps and VMs status, and more
Get quick real-time info on the status of your servers such as storage, container, and VM usage=
Get started by installing the plugin=Get started by installing the plugin.
Get started by signing in to Unraidnet=Get started by signing in to
Get Started=
Go Back=
Go to Connect=
GUID Error=
Have a USB flash device that already has an account associated with it=
Have the code now Go Back=Have the code now? Go Back
Hi %s=
I acknowledge that replacing a license key results in permanently blacklisting the previous USB Flash GUID=
I agree to the=
If this was an expired Trial installation, you may purchase a license key=If this was an expired Trial installation, you may purchase a license key.
If you do not have a backup copy of your license key file you may install the Connect beta plugin to attempt to recover your key=If you do not have a backup copy of your license key file you may install the Connect (beta) plugin to attempt to recover your key
If you fill this field out then your email will not be sent=
If you need to change flash drives, generate a backup from Connect and be up and running in minutes=If you need to change flash drives, generate a backup from Connect and be up and running in minutes.
If you want to replace one of your license keys with a new key bound to this USB Flash device please first remove all other key files first=
Ignore this message if you are currently connected via Remote Access or VPN=Ignore this message if you are currently connected via Remote Access or VPN.
Install Plugin=
Installed %s Key=
Installing %s Key=
Installing Connect beta=Installing Connect (beta)
Invalid 2FA token=
Invalid installation=
Invalid username or password=
It appears that your license key file is corrupted or missing=
It is not possible to use a Trial key with an existing Unraid OS installation=It is not possible to use a Trial key with an existing Unraid OS installation.
Just give us the details about what happened and well do our best to get you up and running again=Just give us the details about what happened and we'll do our best to get you up and running again
Key file not valid=
Key management is done via the dropdown in the top right of the webGUI on every page=
LAN IP %s=
LAN IP Copied=
Learn more=
Lets unleash your hardware=Let's unleash your hardware
License Management=
Loading Connect data=
Local access=
Local T2FA requires a myunraidnet certificate=Local T2FA requires a * certificate
Local T2FA requires Unraid 610 or higher and a myunraidnet certificate=Local T2FA requires Unraid 6.10 or higher and a * certificate
Local T2FA requires Unraid 610 or higher=Local T2FA requires Unraid 6.10 or higher
Local T2FA requires Use SSLTLS to be Strict and a myunraidnet certificate=Local T2FA requires Use SSL/TLS to be Strict and a * certificate
Local T2FA requires Use SSLTLS to be Strict and Unraid 610 or higher=Local T2FA requires Use SSL/TLS to be Strict and Unraid 6.10 or higher
Local T2FA requires Use SSLTLS to be Strict, Unraid 610 or higher, and a myunraidnet certificate=Local T2FA requires Use SSL/TLS to be Strict, Unraid 6.10 or higher, and a * certificate
Local T2FA requires Use SSLTLS to be Strict=Local T2FA requires Use SSL/TLS to be Strict
Manage multiple servers from your phone, tablet, laptop, or PC in the same browser window=Manage multiple servers from your phone, tablet, laptop, or PC in the same browser window.
Manage your license keys at any time via the My Keys section=Manage your license keys at any time via the My Keys section.
Manage Your Server Within Connect=
Missing key file=
Multiple License Keys Present=
Never ever be left without a backup of your config=Never ever be left without a backup of your config.
Never self-managehost your flash backups again=Never self-manage/host your flash backups again
No 2FA token detected=
No Flash=
No Keyfile=
No thanks=
No USB flash configuration data=
Not Connected to Mothership=
Not ready to purchase=Not ready to purchase?
Note USB memory card readers are generally not supported because most do not present unique serial numbers=Note: USB memory card readers are generally not supported because most do not present unique serial numbers
Oh no Are you pirating Unraid OS<br>Are you ready to buy a real license=Oh no! Are you pirating Unraid OS?<br>Are you ready to buy a real license?
Online Flash Backup=
Open dropdown=
Open Dropdown=
Opens %s in new tab=
Opens new HTTPS window to %s=
Page Not Allowed=
Page Not Found=
Password confirmation must match=
Paste or Enter code=
Please access this server via the Go to Connect=
Please check Settings > Network=
Please confirm closure=
Please copy the correct key file to the config directory on your USB Flash boot device or choose Purchase Key or Replace Key=Please copy the correct key file to the */config* directory on your USB Flash boot device or choose Purchase Key or Replace Key
Please copy the correct key file to the config directory on your USB Flash boot device or choose Purchase Key=Please copy the correct key file to the */config* directory on your USB Flash boot device or choose Purchase Key
Please copy the Key URL before closing this window=
Please keep this window open=
Please make sure there is a DNS server specified=
Please make sure your server time is accurate to within 5 minutes=
Please refresh the page to ensure you load your latest configuration=
Please remove all key files except the one you want to replace from the config directory on your USB Flash boot device=Please remove all key files except the one you want to replace from the */config* directory on your USB Flash boot device
Please sign in with your Unraidnet forum account=Please sign in with your forum account
Please try a different USB Flash device=
Please uninstall and reinstall the Connect plugin=
Please use a high quality name brand device at least 1GB in size=Please use a high quality name brand device at least 1GB in size.
Please wait a moment and reload the page=
Please wait…=
Plus more on the way=
Post your diagnostics in the forum for help=
Real-time Monitoring=
Receive an additional 15 days for your trial=
Recover Key=
Redeem Activation Code=
Register for Connect by signing in to
Registration key management=
Registration keyGUID mismatch=Registration key / GUID mismatch
Registration keys are bound to your USB Flash boot device serial number GUID=Registration keys are bound to your USB Flash boot device serial number (GUID)
Registration Wizard=
Remark Unraids WAN IPv4 %1s does not match your clients WAN IPv4 %2s=Remark: Unraid's WAN IPv4 **%1s** does not match your client's WAN IPv4 **%2s**
Remark your WAN IPv4 is %s=Remark: your WAN IPv4 is **%s**
Remote access will be disabled=
Remote access=
Remove Connect plugin=
Removing Connect plugin…=
Replace Key Ineligible=
Replace Key=
Resend Code=
Resend Email Verification Code=
Reset Password Now=
Restart unraid-api=
See also here=
Server Offline=
Server up since %s=
Servers equipped with a myunraidnet certificate can be managed directly from within the Connect web UI=Servers equipped with a certificate can be managed directly from within the Connect web UI
Set custom server tiles how you like and automatically display your servers banner image on your Connect Dashboard=Set custom server tiles how you like and automatically display your server's banner image on your Connect Dashboard
Settings > Management Access • Unraidnet=Settings > Management Access •
Shut Down=
Sign in or sign up to get started=
Sign In to Purchase Key=
Sign In to resolve=
Sign In Up=Sign In / Up
Sign In with Unraidnet Account=Sign In with Account
Sign In=
Sign me up for the monthly Unraid newsletter=
Sign Out of Unraidnet=Sign Out of
Sign Out=
Sign Up for Unraidnet=Sign Up for
Sign Up=
Signing in %s to Unraidnet account=Signing in %s to account
Signing out %s from Unraidnet account=Signing out %s from account
Stale Server=
Start Trial=
Still working our magic=
Stop unraid-api=
Switch Language=
Terms of Use=
Thank you for choosing Unraid OS and Connect=
Thank you for contacting Unraid=
Thank you installing Connect=
Thanks for supporting Unraid=
The Connect dashboard links to relevant sections of the webgui, allowing quick access to those settings and server sections=The Connect dashboard links to relevant sections of the webgui, allowing quick access to those settings and server sections.
The Connect plugin install is incomplete=
The key file should be located in the config directory on your USB Flash boot device=The key file should be located in the */config* directory on your USB Flash boot device
The license key file does not correspond to the USB Flash boot device=The license key file does not correspond to the USB Flash boot device.
There are multiple license key files present on your USB flash device and none of them correspond to the USB Flash boot device=There are multiple license key files present on your USB flash device and none of them correspond to the USB Flash boot device.
There is a problem with your USB Flash device=
This can occur as a result of transferring your license key to a replacement USB Flash device, and you are currently booted from your old USB Flash device=This can occur as a result of transferring your license key to a replacement USB Flash device, and you are currently booted from your old USB Flash device.
This field is required=
This may indicate a complex network that will not work with this Remote Access solution=This may indicate a complex network that will not work with this Remote Access solution.
This setup will help you get your server up and running=
This USB Flash boot device has been blacklisted=This USB Flash boot device has been blacklisted.
This USB Flash device has an invalid GUID=This USB Flash device has an invalid GUID.
This will register your server with Connect <sup>BETA</sup>=
To continue using Unraid OS you may purchase a license key=To continue using Unraid OS you may purchase a license key.
To manually install the key paste the key file url into the Key file URL field on the webGUI Tools > Registration page and then click Install Key=
To Registration Wizard Home=
To support more storage devices as your server grows click the Open Dropdown button=To support more storage devices as your server grows click the *Open Dropdown* button
To support more storage devices as your server grows click Upgrade Key=
Toggle onoff server accessibility with dynamic remote access=Toggle on/off server accessibility with dynamic remote access
Toggle Password Visibility=
Toggle server info visibility=
Transparent 2FA Token timed out=
Trial expired %s=
Trial Expired=
Trial expires in %s=
Trial Extension Failed=
Trial has expired see options below=
Trial key expired at %s=
Trial key expires at %s=
Trial Requires Internet Connection=
Unable to copy=
unavailable no parity-check entries logged=unavailable (no parity-check entries logged)
Unraid API Error=
Unraid Forums=
Unraidnet account account password
Unraidnet Sign In to Recover Sign In to Recover Key
Unraidnet Sign In to Replace Sign In to Replace Key
Unraidnet Sign Sign In
Unraidnet Sign Sign Out
Upgrade keys to higher editions=
Uptime %s=
USB Flash Backup=
USB Flash device error=
USB Flash has no serial number=
Use your Unraidnet credentials, not your local server credentials=Use your credentials, not your local server credentials
verification code=
Verify Email=
We have received your e-mail and will respond in the order it was received=
We have sent a verifcation email to %s=
What is Unraidnet=What is
Whether you need to add a share container or virtual machine do it all from the webGui from anytime and anywhere using HTTPS=
While we strive to respond to all requests as quickly as possible please allow for up to 3 business days for a response=
With an Unraidnet account you can start using Connect beta which gives you access to the following features=With an account you can start using Connect (beta) which gives you access to the following features:
You are all set 👍=
You can safely close this window=
You have %s remaining on your Trial key=
You have an open pop-up=
You have used all your Trial extensions=You have used all your Trial extensions.
You may purchase a license key corresponding to this USB Flash device to continue using this installation=You may purchase a license key corresponding to this USB Flash device to continue using this installation.
You will no longer have access to this server using this url=You will no longer have access to this server using <abbr title="%s" class="italic">this url</abbr>
Your current url %s is not in the list of allowed origins for this server=Your current url **%s** is not in the list of allowed origins for this server
Your flash drive is corrupted or offline=
Your server will not be usable until you purchase a Registration key or install a free 30 day Trial key=Your server will not be usable until you purchase a Registration key or install a free 30 day *Trial* key.
Your Trial has expired=
Your Trial key includes all the functionality and device support of a Pro key=Your **Trial** key includes all the functionality and device support of a **Pro** key
Your Trial key requires an internet connection=Your Trial key requires an internet connection.
Your trial will expire in 15 days=
Your trial will expire in 30 days=
Your Unraid registration key is ineligible for replacement as it has been replaced within the last 12 months=Your Unraid registration key is ineligible for replacement as it has been replaced within the last 12 months.
Your Unraid registration key is ineligible for replacement as it is blacklisted=Your Unraid registration key is ineligible for replacement as it is blacklisted.
Your USB Flash GUID and other relevant server data will also be sent=
%1s %2s Key…=
%2s Key %1s Successfully=
%s day=
%s days=
%s hour=
%s hours=
%s minute=
%s minutes=
%s month=
%s months=
%s second=
%s seconds=
%s Signed In Successfully=
%s Signed Out Successfully=
%s year=
%s years=
A Trial key provides all the functionality of a Pro Registration key=A *Trial* key provides all the functionality of a Pro Registration key.
A Trial key provides all the functionality of a Pro Registration key=A *Trial* key provides all the functionality of a Pro Registration key.
A USB Flash device may also be blacklisted if we discover the serial number is not unique this is common with USB card readers=A USB Flash device may also be blacklisted if we discover the serial number is not unique this is common with USB card readers.
After your Trial has reached expiration, your server still functions normally until the next time you Stop the array or reboot your server=After your **Trial** has reached expiration, your server _still functions normally_ until the next time you Stop the array or reboot your server
All you need is an active internet connection, an Unraidnet account, and the Connect plugin=All you need is an active internet connection, an account, and the Connect plugin
Alternately, you may request a Trial extension=Alternately, you may request a Trial extension.
At that point you may either purchase a license key or request a Trial extension=At that point you may either purchase a license key or request a _Trial_ extension.
Automatically turn on UPnP and open a random WAN port on your router at the click of a button and close off access in seconds=Automatically turn on UPnP and open a random WAN port on your router at the click of a button and close off access in seconds.
Blacklisted USB Flash GUID=
Callback redirect type not present or incorrect=
Cannot access your USB Flash boot device=
Cannot validate Unraid Trial key=
Checking WAN IPs…=
Checkout the Connect Documentation=
Click to close modal=
Close Dropdown=
Close Modal=
Configure Connect Features=
Copy your Key URL %s=Copy your Key URL: %s
Enhance your experience with Unraid Connect=
Enhance your Unraid experience with Connect=
Enhance your Unraid experience=
Extending your free trial by 15 days=
Extension Installed=
Failed to %1s %2s Key=
Failed to install key=
Failed to update Connect account configuration=
Flash GUID Error=
Get an overview of your servers state, storage space, apps and VMs status, and more=Get an overview of your server's state, storage space, apps and VMs status, and more
Get started by installing the plugin=Get started by installing the plugin.
Go to Connect plugin settings=
Go to Management Access Now=
If this was an expired Trial installation, you may purchase a license key=If this was an expired Trial installation, you may purchase a license key.
If you are asked to supply logs, please open a support request on our Contact Page and reply to the email message you receive with your logs attached=If you are asked to supply logs, please open a support request on our Contact Page and reply to the email message you receive with your logs attached.
If you do not have a backup copy of your license key file you may attempt to recover your key with your Unraidnet account=If you do not have a backup copy of your license key file you may attempt to recover your key with your account
If you need to change flash drives, generate a backup from Connect and be up and running in minutes=If you need to change flash drives, generate a backup from Connect and be up and running in minutes.
If you want to replace one of your license keys with a new key bound to this USB Flash device, please first remove all other key files first=If you want to replace one of your license keys with a new key bound to this USB Flash device, please first remove all other key files first.
Ignore this message if you are currently connected via Remote Access or VPN=Ignore this message if you are currently connected via Remote Access or VPN.
Install Connect=
Installing Connect=
Install Extended=
Install Recovered=
Install Replaced=
Installing Extended Trial=
Installing Recovered=
Installing Replaced=
Introducing Unraid Connect=
Invalid API Key Format=
Invalid API Key=
Your license key file is corrupted or missing=Your license key file is corrupted or missing.
It is not possible to use a Trial key with an existing Unraid OS installation=It is not possible to use a Trial key with an existing Unraid OS installation.
Error creatiing a trial key=Error creatiing a trial key.
Learn more about the error=
Learn More=
Lets Unleash your Hardware=Let's Unleash your Hardware!
Manage multiple servers from your phone, tablet, laptop, or PC in the same browser window=Manage multiple servers from your phone, tablet, laptop, or PC in the same browser window.
Manage Unraidnet Account in new tab=Manage Account in new tab
Manage Unraidnet Account=Manage Account
Manage your license keys at any time via the My Keys section=Manage your license keys at any time via the My Keys section.
Never ever be left without a backup of your config=Never ever be left without a backup of your config.
No Flash=
No USB flash configuration data=
Note USB memory card readers are generally not supported because most do not present unique serial numbers=Note: USB memory card readers are generally not supported because most do not present unique serial numbers
On January 1st, 2023 SSL certificates for unraidnet were deprecated=On January 1st, 2023 SSL certificates for were deprecated.
Opens Connect in new tab=
Performing actions=
Please check Settings > Network=
Please copy the correct key file to the config directory on your USB Flash boot device or choose Purchase Key=Please copy the correct key file to the */config* directory on your USB Flash boot device or choose Purchase Key
Please copy the correct key file to the config directory on your USB Flash boot device=Please copy the correct key file to the /config directory on your USB Flash boot device
Please keep this window open while we perform some actions=
Please keep this window open=
Please purchase a license key corresponding to this USB Flash device to continue using this installation=
Please refresh the page to ensure you load your latest configuration=
Please remove a device before adding another=Please remove a device before adding another.
Please remove all key files, except the one you want to replace, from the config directory on your USB Flash boot device=Please remove all key files, except the one you want to replace, from the /config directory on your USB Flash boot device
Please sign out then sign back in to refresh your API key.=
Please try a different USB Flash device=
Please use a high quality name brand device at least 1GB in size=Please use a high quality name brand device at least 1GB in size.
Please wait while the page reloads to install your trial key=
Ready to Install Key=
Ready to update Connect account configuration=
Rebooting will likely solve this=Rebooting will likely solve this.
Register for Connect by signing in to your Unraidnet account=Register for Connect by signing in to your account
Registration key USB Flash GUID mismatch=Registration key / USB Flash GUID mismatch
Registration keys are bound to your USB Flash boot device serial number GUID=Registration keys are bound to your USB Flash boot device serial number (GUID)
Remark Unraids WAN IPv4 %1s does not match your clients WAN IPv4 %2s=Remark: Unraid's WAN IPv4 **%1s** does not match your client's WAN IPv4 **%2s**
Remark your WAN IPv4 is %s=Remark: your WAN IPv4 is **%s**
Restarting unraid-api…=
Server Up Since %s=
Servers equipped with a myunraidnet certificate can be managed directly from within the Connect web UI=Servers equipped with a certificate can be managed directly from within the Connect web UI
Set custom server tiles how you like and automatically display your servers banner image on your Connect Dashboard=Set custom server tiles how you like and automatically display your server's banner image on your Connect Dashboard
Sign In Failed=
Sign In to utilize Unraid Connect=
Sign In to your Unraidnet account to get started=Sign In to your account to get started
Sign Out Failed=
Signing in %s…=
Signing out %s…=
Something went wrong=
SSL certificates for deprecated=
Stale Server=
Start Free 30 Day Trial=
Starting your free 30 day trial=
Thank you for choosing Unraid OS=Thank you for choosing Unraid OS!
Thank you for installing Connect=Thank you for installing Connect!
Thank you for purchasing an Unraid %s Key=Thank you for purchasing an Unraid %s Key!
Thank you for upgrading to an Unraid %s Key=Thank you for upgrading to an Unraid %s Key!
The Connect dashboard links to relevant sections of the webgui, allowing quick access to those settings and server sections=The Connect dashboard links to relevant sections of the webgui, allowing quick access to those settings and server sections.
The key file should be located in the config directory on your USB Flash boot device=The key file should be located in the */config* directory on your USB Flash boot device
The license key file does not correspond to the USB Flash boot device=The license key file does not correspond to the USB Flash boot device.
The logs may contain sensitive information so do not post them publicly=The logs may contain sensitive information so do not post them publicly.
The primary method of support for Unraid Connect is through our forums and Discord=The primary method of support for Unraid Connect is through our forums and Discord.
Then go to Tools > Registration to manually install it=
There are multiple license key files present on your USB flash device and none of them correspond to the USB Flash boot device=There are multiple license key files present on your USB flash device and none of them correspond to the USB Flash boot device.
There is a physical problem accessing your USB Flash boot device=
There is a problem with your USB Flash device=
This can occur as a result of transferring your license key to a replacement USB Flash device, and you are currently booted from your old USB Flash device=This can occur as a result of transferring your license key to a replacement USB Flash device, and you are currently booted from your old USB Flash device.
This may indicate a complex network that will not work with this Remote Access solution=This may indicate a complex network that will not work with this Remote Access solution.
This USB Flash boot device has been blacklisted=This USB Flash boot device has been blacklisted.
This USB Flash device has an invalid GUID=This USB Flash device has an invalid GUID.
To continue using Unraid OS you may purchase a license key=To continue using Unraid OS you may purchase a license key.
To support more storage devices as your server grows, click Upgrade Key=To support more storage devices as your server grows, click Upgrade Key.
Toggle onoff server accessibility with dynamic remote access=Toggle on/off server accessibility with dynamic remote access
Too Many Devices=
Trial Expired, see options below=
Trial Key Created=
Trial Key Creation Failed=
Trial Key Expired %s=
Trial Key Expired at %s=
Trial Key Expires at %s=
Trial Key Expires in %s=
Trial Requires Internet Connection=
Unable to fetch client WAN IPv4=
Unraid Connect Error=
Unraid Connect Forums=
Unraid Connect Install Failed=
Unraid Contact Page=
Unraid Discord=
Unraid logo animating with a wave like effect=
unraid-api is offline=
USB Flash device error=
USB Flash has no serial number=
You may attempt to recover your key with your Unraidnet account=You may attempt to recover your key with your account
You can do this on the Settings > Management Access page=You can do this on the Settings > Management Access page.
You have exceeded the number of devices allowed for your license=You have exceeded the number of devices allowed for your license.
You have used all your Trial extensions=You have used all your Trial extensions.
You may also attempt to Purchase or Replace your key=You may also attempt to Purchase or Replace your key.
You may also try using a different USB Flash device to install a new Trial key=You may also try using a different USB Flash device to install a new Trial key.
You may purchase a license key corresponding to this USB Flash device to continue using this installation=You may purchase a license key corresponding to this USB Flash device to continue using this installation.
You MUST provision a new SSL certificate to use our new myunraidnet domain=You MUST provision a new SSL certificate to use our new domain.
Your %s Key has been replaced=Your %s Key has been replaced!
Your free Trial key provides all the functionality of a Pro Registration key=
Your server will not be usable until you purchase a Registration key or install a free 30 day Trial key=Your server will not be usable until you purchase a Registration key or install a free 30 day *Trial* key.
Your Trial key has been extended=Your Trial key has been extended!
Your Trial key includes all the functionality and device support of a Pro key=Your **Trial** key includes all the functionality and device support of a **Pro** key
Your Trial key requires an internet connection=Your Trial key requires an internet connection.
Your Unraid registration key is ineligible for replacement as it has been replaced within the last 12 months=Your Unraid registration key is ineligible for replacement as it has been replaced within the last 12 months.
Your Unraid registration key is ineligible for replacement as it is blacklisted=Your Unraid registration key is ineligible for replacement as it is blacklisted.
Youre one step closer to enhancing your Unraid experience=You're one step closer to enhancing your Unraid experience
Calculating trial expiration…=
Signing In=
Signing Out=
Sign In requires the local unraid-api to be running=
Sign Out requires the local unraid-api to be running=
; web component additions 2023-11-08
%1s out of %2s allowed devices upgrade your key to support more devices=
%1s out of %2s devices=
%s Release Notes=
%s Update Available=
%s devices=
Acklowledge that you have made a Flash Backup to enable this action=
Attached Storage Devices=
Backing upthis may take a few minutes=Backing up...this may take a few minutes
Begin downgrade to %s=
Check for OS Updates=
Check for Prereleases=
Confirm and start update=
Create Flash Backup=
Current Version %s=
Current Version: Unraid %s=
Downgrade Unraid OS to %s=
Downgrade Unraid OS=
Downgrades are only recommended if youre unable to solve a critical issue=Downgrades are only recommended if you\'re unable to solve a critical issue.
Download the Diagnostics zip then please open a bug report on our forums with a description of the issue along with your diagnostics=Download the Diagnostics zip then please open a bug report on our forums with a description of the issue along with your diagnostics.
Expired %s=
Expires at %s=
Expires in %s=
Flash Backup is not available Navigate to %sMainSettingsFlash to try again then come back to this page=Flash Backup is not available. Navigate to %s/Main/Settings/Flash to try again then come back to this page.
Flash GUID required to check replacement status=
Flash GUID=GUID الذاكرة المحمولة
Flash Product=منتج الذاكرة المحمولة
Flash Vendor=بائع الذاكرة المحمولة
Go to Tools Management Access to activate the Flash Backup feature and ensure your backup is up-to-date=Go to Tools > Management Access to activate the Flash Backup feature and ensure your backup is up-to-date.
Go to Tools Management Access to ensure your backup is up-to-date=Go to Tools > Management Access to ensure your backup is up-to-date.
Go to Tools Update=Go to Tools > Update
Go to Tools > Registration to fix=
I have made a Flash Backup=
In the rare event you need to downgrade we ask that you please provide us with Diagnostics so we can investigate your issue=In the rare event you need to downgrade we ask that you please provide us with Diagnostics so we can investigate your issue.
Keyfile required to check replacement status=
Last checked: %s=
Learn more and fix=
License key actions=
License key type=
New Version: %s=
No downgrade available=
Open a bug report=
Original release date %s=
Please confirm the update details below=
Please fix any errors and try again=Please fix any errors and try again.
Reboot Now to Downgrade to %s=
Reboot Now to Downgrade=
Reboot Now to Update to %s=
Reboot Now to Update=
Reboot Required for Downgrade to %s=
Reboot Required for Downgrade=
Reboot Required for Update to %s=
Reboot Required for Update=
Receive the latest and greatest for Unraid OS=Receive the latest and greatest for Unraid OS.
Registered on=
Registered to=
This update will require a reboot=
Transfer License to New Flash=
Unable to open release notes=
Unknown error=
Unraid %s Update Available=
Unraid %s=
Unraid OS %s Released=
Unraid OS %s Update Available=
Unraid OS Update Available=
Update Available=
Update Unraid OS confirmation required=
Update Unraid OS=
Updating 3rd party drivers=
Version available for restore %s=
Version: %s=
View Changelog Update=View Changelog & Update
View Changelog for %s=
View Changelog=
View release notes=
We recommend backing up your USB Flash Boot Device before starting the update=We recommend backing up your USB Flash Boot Device before starting the update.
Whether it new features, security patches, or bug fixes keeping your server up-to-date ensures the best experience that Unraid has to offer=Whether it new features, security patches, or bug fixes keeping your server up-to-date ensures the best experience that Unraid has to offer.
You can also manually create a new backup by clicking the Create Flash Backup button=You can also manually create a new backup by clicking the Create Flash Backup button.
You can manually create a backup by clicking the Create Flash Backup button=You can manually create a backup by clicking the Create Flash Backup button.
You have already activated the Flash Backup feature via the Unraid Connect plugin=You have already activated the Flash Backup feature via the Unraid Connect plugin.
You have not activated the Flash Backup feature via the Unraid Connect plugin=You have not activated the Flash Backup feature via the Unraid Connect plugin.
check for OS updates=
; Downgrade component additions 2023-11-09
A reboot will be required=
Confirm Downgrade=
Create Bug Report=
Create a bug report on our forums with a description of the issue along with your diagsnotics=
Open a bug report=
%s day=
%s days=
%s hour=
%s hours=
%s minute=
%s minutes=
%s month=
%s months=
%s second=
%s seconds=
%s year=
%s years=
; Note: December 25, 2023 - 783 missing translations